Elevator Instigator (George x Sapnap)

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     Sapnap threw a sideways look over to George as they walked. He was still running his mouth. He shook his head and tried to just block him out. A few words slipped past his invisible defense and dug straight into his waning patience.
"Shut up bro.", he tried. George only laughed and elbowed him, continuing on. Something about his height, Sapnap tried not to listen.

     He flinched when George smacked the rim of his hat down for the third time that day, pulling it back up on his head. "Dude!", he huffed,

     Dream Team was at Vidcon together. Dream was still at one of his panels, but George and Sapnap were done for the day. Sapnap had agreed to grab lunch with the other, but was regretting it with every step. George was in his mean arc today. No matter how much he begged the other to quit, he only seemed to be egged on by his increasingly worse mood. Sapnap wasn't even responding at this point. George was just barreling on laughing to himself as he tore through a mental list of his insecurities.

     Sapnap gave him a rough shove as they got into the elevator.
"Seriously dude. Shut up.". George only scoffed and pulled out his phone, leaving Sapnap to push the buttons to the next floor with an eye roll. At least they were alone and no one else would be forced to listen to George being an idiot.

     The elevator jerked to a halt and both of them stumbled.
"What the hell?".

     They waited a few beats before looking at each other. The elevator had stopped between floors, the button of their floor still lit up.
"It stopped.", Sapnap said nervously.
"Obviously, idiot. What are we supposed to do?". Sapnap scowled at the name.
"Clearly you're the idiot. We hit the call button and tell the hotel. Idiot.".

     George crossed his arms and left Sapnap, again, to hit the button.
"Um, hi? Sorry! We think we might be stuck in the elevator? It's between floors, pretty much.", Sapnap flushed in embarrassment as he stumbled over the words. He was already nervous about the situation and being trapped with a sharp-tongued George while he was eyeing him down was making things so much worse. He longed for Dream.

     The hotel informed them that the fire department was on the way.

     "Why did you turn into a flustered mess during that call? Are you scared? Do you think we are going to plummet to our deaths?". Sapnap whipped around to see George smirking as he typed away on his phone. "I mean, we probably will. I'm telling Dream our final goodbyes right now. He's so upset we are stuck, his panel just ended.". George was all too happy to continue his negging.
"Stop trying to freak me out, you're such a fucking dick today.".
"I mean.", George sighed, slipped his phone in his back pocket, and looked Sapnap up and down. "You're like. Pocket-sized. What if I just lift you up and you crawl out through the shaft. You're tiny enough, stinknap,", he finished his insult off by smacking down the bill of his hat,

     That was enough. Sapnap was done.

     Sapnap pulled his hat off his head and slapped it down onto George's. The older huffed in protest, but Sapnap quickly tugged it down over his eyes and backed him against the wall of the elevator hard enough to shake the entire thing.
"Fucking. Shut. Up. George.", he growled.

     George gasped as Sapnap collected his hands in one of his.
"Hey!". He thrashed, trying to shake the hat blocking his vision and rip his hands from the stronger boy's grip. He didn't budge. Sapnap knuckled into ribs, startling a scream out of the other. George knocked his head against the wall painfully and sharp cackles tore out of him as he struggled. "Sapnap!", he cried.

     Sapnap used a rougher touch to tickle him then he ever had before. His knuckles jumped around the sensitive bones of the squirmy boy's rib cage. George went limp against his hold as he was thrown instantly into completely hysterical laughter. Screams echoed in the small metal jail they found themselves in.

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