Passenger Princess (Dream x George)

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All of George's plans to learn how to drive flew out the window when Dream and Sapnap started driving him around. So...right away. The fans would always tease him about being a passenger princess, but he didn't really care. He could relax and play DJ, look out the window. Why would he ever learn how to drive when the other two would take him anywhere? Dream wouldn't even complain!

Today started like any other; George wanted sushi from some place pretty far away and Dream took him. It ended up not really being worth the distance, but Dream wouldn't say that. George was happily stuffed with decent sushi and Dream was content to spend time with him no matter what.

They were driving home and George was in the passengers seat just clicking through different songs on his phone. Partly in boredom and partly to annoy Dream. As they came to a stop at a red light, Dream rested his hand on George's thigh, right above his knee, probably completely innocently. But, it Was the first time. George flinched dramatically at the sudden pressure on his bare skin and slowly looked over to see him notice.
"Are you a little ticklish?", he smiled in amusement. Then, he squeezed. Almost instantly George was twisted in his seat, squealing loudly as he pried at the hand. His phone slipped from his grip and fell down near his feet.
"Stop it!!", he cried out when the evil hand wouldn't budge, squirming helplessly in laughter as the squeezes got firmer. Inwardly, he cursed his basketball shorts.
"Are you serious? What! It's that bad?", Dream looked back and forth from the intersection in front of him and the frantic boy next to him in disbelief. The tickles grew faster. George slapped at the hand and squeaked out a string of unintelligible protests, laughter becoming hysterical. Dream's never tickled him there before and he could not stand it.

     Dream pulled his hand away and chuckled lowly, pulling through the green light and driving. George relaxed into the seat and rubbed his thigh a little, catching his breath. He pouted.
"I can not believe how much you just freaked out.". George looked over at him sheepishly and was met with a terrifying smirk. Dream looked back at the road and kept driving, soon pulling onto the highway. George gulped and looked out the window.
"Shut up.", he muttered. He could almost feel the eyes on him.
As Dream settled into a lane, he gently rested his hand on the trembling thigh again. George gasped and tried to push away the hand. But, Dream wouldn't budge. He snickered.
"Sit still or I'll be forced to make you.", he said plainly.

     George quickly looked out the window again, a confusing heat spread across his face. He didn't know how to react. There was nothing he could do. Dream was much stronger than him and there was no escape for poor George. A small embarrassing whine slipped from his lips before he could stop it.

He felt Dream's fingers twitch and he quickly tried again to shove the hand. It clung. Suddenly, he was squeezing hard and fast. Devious fingers found the sensitive muscles right above his knee and he was instantly thrown into hysterics once again.
"Fuck you!", he yelled. Dream scoffed, amused. He smacked against his hand uselessly and started to curl against the door, shrieking with laughter as the ticklish energy jolted through him. George couldn't do anything. He didn't want to hit the gear shift or Dream's body and affect his driving. He was completely helpless. "Please! Okay please!". He sounded so desperate through the frantic laughter. Dream beamed at his squirmy best friend.
"This is so cute.", he murmured as he continued to attack the poor boy's ticklish thigh. George wailed with laughter as he thrashed in his seat. The seatbelt suddenly locked with his crazed movements and he screeched at the lack of mobility. He wasn't tied down, but he might as well have been.
"Dream!!!", he screamed. Dream had latched onto the sweet spot on his thigh. His little leg jumped and flinched to no avail. His small hands fought the attacking one, but his strength was dwarfed by Dream's. George tried to buck, but his hips were locked in place. Terrifying helplessness washed through him. "Dream!!!". He knocked his head back into the car seat a few times to expel some of the ticklish electricity overwhelming him. He would die, he was sure. He tilted his head back and cackled.
"Nowhere to go?", Dream asked with a mocking laugh. He was giddy with excitement at the new discovery.

Eventually, he stopped and George gasped loudly, flopping against the seat like he was boneless. His cheeks burned as he stared at his lap and heaved softly for his breath. Embarrassingly, he trembled. He had been about five seconds from tears.

     Dream kept glancing over at George as he continued driving and he shifted a little in his seat nervously. The older felt like Dream had just gained a new power over him. Found his weakness. Yeah he was ticklish, but that it fucking killed him.
"I'm going to absolutely destroy you when we get home.", he stated in a causal tone. It took everything in him not to whimper at the threat. George sunk into his seat and stared out the window, having no clue how close to home they were.

It wasn't often that George was speechless, but he was filling up with honey. He swallowed as a sticky mix of nerves and excitement stuck his lips together. It dripped down inside his chest and his heart raced. The butterflies from earlier got a taste and went wild from the sweet taste of his fear.

     He was so screwed.  

They drove on for quite a bit longer. Long enough for George to regain a bit of his composure. Eventually, a song came on the playlist that they both enjoyed and they sang along together. The harsh heat of blush across his cheeks faded and calmed. Soon, they spoke normally. Just a bit of joking around while driving. He felt his phone under his foot and remembered to grab it. Slowly, George relaxed into the flow of conversation again. His heart rate steadied.

     Dream parked in the garage and they headed inside. They continued in conversation as George unlocked the door and led the way into the living room.
"So I'm thinking we-", he cut off when the door behind him slammed shut loudly. "Dream?", he asked softly, turning around to face him. The man in question was grinning at him crazily in front of the now closed front door. 'Oh.'.

     George bolted. Dream chased. It only lasted a few short moments before the ticklish boy was caught. Large arms locked around his waist from behind and he was lifted in the air a little. Immediately, George was shaking with giggles.
"No please! Dream, don't do this!", he pleaded. But, he was thrown down onto the couch on his back with a shriek. Dream quickly climbing on top before he could scramble away.
"Ready for the destruction?".
"Gah! No!!". He was thrown into a short fit of squealing before his cackling kicked in. Merciless hands grabbed at his sensitive thighs. Soon, he was hysterical. Dream kneaded and squeezed, focusing on the spot right above his knees. George lost his mind. "SapNAP! HELP!!", he tried. Dream laughed.
"Just me! You're home alone with the tickle monster Georgie!!". George whined through his laughter.

     He struggled and squirmed under him. Suddenly, his hands were wild. He tried to grab at the tickling hands, but Dream was much stronger. He pushed against the couch to try and dislodge him, but it was no use. They flapped uselessly against his hands and body. Utterly trapped. George twisted in panic.
"Mercy!", he cried, completely screaming with laughter.
"Didn't you hear me? I said destruction!!", he said joyfully. As he spoke, he let go of the thighs for a moment and gripped his ticklish sides with both hands. The boy squealed in terror.
"Deeeeestruction!!!", he shook him by his sides and flopped against the couch helplessly. George could only squeeze his eyes shut and cackle crazily as Dream toyed with him. It was dizzying just how easy it was for Dream to take him apart like this.

     He gripped his thighs again and George threw his head back with a piercing scream. He pushed as hard as he could on his chest and laughed like a witch. George had tears tracking down his beet-red cheeks.
"Please!", he begged through crazed laughter. Dream's fingers were relentless. "Oh my god!".

George whined and squeaked as words became harder to form. Dream smiled fondly and pulled the devious hands away. George cried out embarrassingly at the sudden stop.
"I really love torturing you, Georgie.".

     His hands shot up and covered his face, muffling harsh gasps for air. Dream squeezed his sides and the hands jerked back down defensively, letting out raspy giggles. George's adorably flushed face on full display.
"I really hate you.", he whimpered.
"You love me.". George groaned and threw both arms over his face. Dream laughed. "I can't wait to show Sapnap this!". George peeked out and glared at him.

They both flinched at the sound of keys in the door.

Dream Team (Plus Friends) - Tickle AUWhere stories live. Discover now