Sapnap vs. George

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     After, literaly, years of unproven theories, today was the day the Dream Team House found out the answer to the highly debated question amongst the group. Now that the two were together under the same roof the boys could put their money where their mouth was. The air was thick with suspense as the two stepped up to each other.

They had known for a while now that George was taller, but still he smirked smugly down at the Sapnap, as if this discovery was new. George was convinced it would give him the advantage. Sapnap was convinced it would make him over-confident. Sapnap puffed his chest up, way overdramatic.
"You're not fighting.", Dream boomed, interrupting their stand off. Both boys instinctually stepped away from each other.
"Dream!", they whined together childishly.

"He literaly has it coming!", George spun to face Dream, his accent notably posher the angrier he got. Dream only rolled his eyes.
"And so do you. Now back off. You two are not fighting. It doesn't matter who's stronger.", Dream put his hands on his hips and shook his head.

     The scene was awfully familial, and extremely annoying to the two shorter boys.
"You can't tell us what to do. You're not our father.", Sapnap scoffed. "Plus it doesn't matter to YOU because you're HUGE!", he yelled now. All adrenaline.

     Though Dream couldn't exactly call the shots verbally, they both knew he could overpower them in an instant. George decided to push a little anyway, as usual.
"Fine. We won't do anything. You can go now.", he smirked and crossed his arms. The blatant attempt at trickery pulled a smile out of Dream.
"You-", Dream paused and pointed at George, "-are not slick.", he said, although amused.
"We live together now! What are you going to do? Watch us all the time? Just let us fight and get it over with and then we can fall into the strength heirarchy of strongest to weakest and move on with it.", Sapnap shouted, waving his arms like what he said was obvious instead of ridiculous. Dream wheezed painfully, doubling over from the force.
"What!", he squawked, his laughter choking him.

     Sapnap bounced on the balls of his feet a little as he watched him. He was annoyed, but getting Dream to make that noise will wash a sense of giddiness over anyone. He looked over at George to find the same fond smile plastered on him as he watched Dream struggle against his own laughter.

     The whole display was giving Sapnap an idea. But, he needed to move fast. Dream was already collecting himself, but George was still distracted gazing at him like an idiot.

     Sapnap rushed forward and tackled the unsuspecting George to the floor, quickly twisting  him onto his stomach and straddling his back. The action was impossibly fast and only allowed George enough reaction time for a shocked yelp.
"Nick!", Dream cried out, his voice rich in fear for George. He closed in quickly on the two on the ground, but paused when he got a better view of the situation.

     George was holding his breath and squirming like a worm while his hands desperately grabbed blindly behind him, a few times making contact with Sapnap's hands. Sapnap was tickling as fast as he could up and down George's sides. Dream melted a bit at George's first little bubbles of verbal reaction. He whined. He whimpered. He squeaked.
"Pffft SAPNAP!!", he screamed, slipping hilariously fast into hysterical laughter the moment Sapnap's tickly fingers found their way into George's armpits.
"Got 'em!", Sapnap grinned up at Dream proudly, who shook his head in amusement. This was the kind of fight he could support. The kind that had George in the laughter-kind of stitches instead of the kind that required a trip to the ER.
"I think that's his worst spot,", Dream offered, shamelessly on Sapnap's side for once.

George shrieked and cackled, working himself into an even worst position as he tried to get the terrible fingers out of his armpits.
"PLEASE!!", he cried out. Sapnap smiled and rolled his eyes, switching his tickling to his lower sides and hip bones. George's small frame was built to receive these tickles, his hip bones poking out of his skin just begging to be played with. He wailed at the new touch.

George pounded his fists against the ground and kicked at the air desperately, hoping he would reach Sapnap and knock his head off. It made for an entertaining scene; George's reactions. "I fucking HATE YOU!!!", he sputtered out his mean comments, any bite in them being drowned out by his chaotic cackling.

Dream had plopped down crosslegged next to the other two at some point to get a better view. He didn't need to offer any assistance or opinions on the situation. The results of the pressing question from earlier were clear as day.
Sapnap is stronger. In a fight, Sapnap would win.

Although his victory would likely be helped by some dirty tricks, that was so them anyway. Sapnap mercilessly grabbed at George's ribs to rub in the point, basking in every reaction.

George felt his need to try and overpower the other dry out as his survival instinct kicked in. He was red-faced and being tickled to pieces by someone smaller than him as his best friend watched, not even helping him. A wheeze ripped out of him resembling Dream's. He clawed at the carpet uselessly as tears pricked in his eyes. He felt Sapnap's fingers crawling up towards his armpits and he snapped his arms down in panic.
"You're stronger!", George yelled, all high-pitched and embarassing. "You're stronger, you're stronger, you're stronger!!!", he begged, his laughter bubbling out of every crevice in his words. Sapnap stopped tickling.

Sapnap pulled himself off of George and sat crosslegged at his side, smiling at Dream as he scooted in closer until they bordered George neatly. George flipped onto his back and wrapped his arms around his stomach. His laughter died down to giggling, and then soon was just whining.
"Dream you didn't protect me.", he muttered, nearly breathless. Dream laughed and ran his fingers through George's hair.
"Are you kidding? I'm not stepping to Nick when he goes all tickle monster mode! You wanted to step to him and you did, there you go. You lost...but there you go.".

Dream looked fondly between his two favorite people in the whole world.

George was still blushing horribly and avoiding all eye contact despite laying on his back on the ground between them. It was possible he would never recover.

Sapnap was smiling dumbly down at his work. He got his way with his want for a fight, managed to pull a fast one on Dream, and tickled the absolute muffin-fuck out of George.
"The strength hierarchy wa-", he started.
"Shut up!", the two interrupted him, all three falling into giggles.

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