Hair Reveal? (George x Quackity)

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Both boys were on the bed going absolutely feral with the pillows. The Sleepover Stream was not only a ton of fun, but both knew the type of interactions they were having were going to drive the fans insane for the next week.

     George shoved Quackity with his pillow while he was already in a little tumble and suddenly Quackity was in a terrible position. George half on top of him with almost hie entire upper body hanging off the bed. He screamed as he let go of his pillow, clutching his beanie.

     "Ooh chat! Hair reveal?", George asked towards the camera in a higher sing-song voice as he fully straddled Quackity's waist, cementing him in place. Quackity gasped.
"George my beanie!", he yelled, still clinging to it. He was face up, but nearly upside-down. George only laughed and tasered his sides. Quackity shrieked and twisted as much as he could. "Oh fuck you!!!", he spit the words as meanly as he could, but the build up of nervous and tickly giggles was very clearly nearing the surface.
"Better keep holding on to it!", George laughed crazily as he grabbed at Quackity's sides a few more times. Quackity thrashed as much as he could and burst into laughter. His hands still gripped his beanie so his arms were up, leaving George an awful amount of space to tickle. "Hair reveal on MY stream? Holy shit the views!!! Quackity I bet hair reveal is trending on Twitter right now!!", George spoke excitedly still, as always, referring to his friend by his username. Quackity couldn't answer though. He was beside himself with laughter.

     George slowly poked up and down his ribs and sides. Quackity cackled helplessly as he hung off the bed, desperately holding on to his beanie. His legs kicked at the bed in frustration.
"Don't do this to me George!", he mananged to squeak out between his gasping and laughing. His face was burning from the exertion of his position and the embarrassment from George's stream seeing him in such a helpless situation.
"It has to happen sometime!", George laughed. He poked up into Quackity's armpits and giggled at his shrieks. "You're doing so well too! Should I increase the difficulty?", he smirked.
God George is evil. Quackity thought, barely able to communicate back with how hard it was to keep his arms up. George looked at his phone for a few seconds and put it back down.
"What are you doing!", Quackity huffed.
"Oh sorry!", George cheesed and grabbed Quackity's sides again, making him squeal loudly.
"No!", he wailed.
"Chat was just telling me to tickle your back is all. Is that your worst spot?", George smiles innocently. Quackity's face flamed. "Ohhhh.", George giggled.
"If you do that I'll definitely lose tne beanie.", Quackity muttered softly, his head turned away from the camera. George laughed softly and nodded. His heart warmed by the new look of helplessness he doesn't think he's ever seen on his friend before. A new shade of red, too.

     Of course George wouldn't actually cause Quackity to lose his beanie on camera. If he really did lose grip he had already subtly slid a pillow out of it's case and was planning on bagging Quackity's whole head with it, which he thought would be hilarious. It was just so much fun to bully his friends. He wanted to continue, but thought the fans would say he was being too mean.
I probably am. George thought proudly, slipping off his friend and plopping back on the bed with a loud laugh.
"You should have seen your face!!", he called after Quackity as he scrambled off the bed and ran out of frame to fix his hair and beanie.
     "You're dead.", Quackity yelled back, sounding noticeably out of breath. George screamed as Quackity hopped back onto the bed and pummeled him with two pillows. George tried to shove him away, but Quackity held his ground and grabbed on to his sides, causing a loud scream. George threw back his head and burst into laughter, fighting the hands wildly.
"You were such a jerk! Such a jerk!", Quackity smirked as he tickled his friend as hard as he could, drawing screams from the boy.
"I'm sorry! No don't!!!", George shrieked with laughter, gasping when Quackity grabbed one of his wrists and pinned it above his head.
"Please!!!", he cried. Quackity showed his evil smirk to the stream, then started tickling into George's open armpit. George lost his mind. He barked out his loud laughter and twisted crazily against the bed and blankets. "Fuck! I'm going to die!!!". His hand was slapping at Quackity's chest while he sunk further into the pillows, his head thrown back as he got more and more hysterical. His body convulsed dramatically. The scene made Quackity giggle and shake his head.
"I can't believe you started this! Like I wasn't going to fuck you up the second I was free!". George was incapable of any response. He soon sunk into silent laughter, just flopping underneath his friend.

Finally, Quackity took pity. He smiled down at his friend's beet-red tear-stained face. George had his eyes squeezed shut and was just twitching as nothing came out of his open mouth. He squeaked when Quackity released him and just curled into a ball.
"I'm sorry.", he coughed out.
"Let's gooo!", Quackity cheered as he rolled off George and picked up George's phone to read chat. He loved when George got a taste of his own medicine with his bullying and knew chat did too.

He looked over to his friend to show him, but laughed when he only saw George curled up on his side with both his hands clamped over his blushing face. "You are such a pussy dude! You always do this! You have to think of the consequences of your actions!!", he laughed and grabbed a pillow to whack George with.

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