Home Alone Together For The First Time (George x Dream)

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  George cackled and smacked Dream; them both sitting close together on the couch watching back Dream's freshly edited video before he would post it.
My friends are so funny, he thought to himself. Dream barely flinched at George's affectionate smack. George covered his mouth a little as he quieted down before stopping himself.
"Oh! I don't have to be quiet. SapNap isn't even here streaming or sleeping or whatever!", George exclaimed, his old habit of referring to his friends by their usernames ever-present.
"Nope, we're all alone.", Dream responded, nodding as he replayed a small part of the video over and over trying to check that the audio was synced.

     "Is this our first time alone in the house?", George questioned.
"Oh yeah, it totally is.", Dream grinning at his best friend amusedly. "We can do whatever we want. The whole house is ours.", he wheezed and then wiggled his eyebrows at him.
"Shut up! What does that mean!", George laughed and shoved his shoulder, they both laughed as they bumped into each other on the couch.

     Dream placed his laptop on the coffee table in front of them and headed into the kitchen.
"I'm grabbing a Coke, want anything!"
"Nah.", George responded and slid down the couch a little as he picked up his phone and started scrolling through Twitter. Dream wandered back with an open Coke can in hand and eyed the back of his best friend's head. They had been living together in the house with SapNap for about 3 weeks now and this was their first time alone. The house was a little quieter. He loved the chaotic-ness of his living situation so much. No boredom in this house. He stepped closer to the back of the couch and placed a firm hand on George's shoulder. George startled and let out a soft squeal, giggling and nudging away the hand.
"What?", Dream asked amused.
"Don't tickle me."; George huffed.
"I didn't...how did I tickle you? What, this tickles?", Dream abandoned his Coke on the nearest surface and clamped both hands down on George's shoulders. George squawked, but was also expecting the move so he slid all the way down and jumped to his feet.
"Fuck off!"

     Dream laughed at how ticklish his best friend was.
"No fucking way you're that ticklish.", he shook his head and leaped over the couch. George stumbled back away from him.
"Dream get away!", he shouted, ready to sprint.
"Manhunt...", Dream mumbled as the urge to chase him reminded him of the old shenanigans in Minecraft.
"No!", George yelled and took off running at the word.
"Get back here!", Dream hollered as he chased him. George let out his signature high pitched scream as he ducked out of Dream's clutches, sliding across the wood floor in his socks and scrambling down the hallway.
"Dream fuck off!!!", he cried. His heart pounded against his chest as he realized the wall he would soon hit. He twisted around and attempted to run past Dream, but was quickly taken down. "NO!", he cried out. He burst into insane screeching laughter after just 2 seconds of Dream tickling his sides. Dream had twisted him onto his back and straddled him. George's hands shoved roughly at his chest and hands uselessly as he cackled like a maniac. "I fucking hate you!!!", he shrieked.
"Don't say that! I caught you fair and square!". Dream barked out a loud laugh and then wheezed at how red George's face had become already. "You look like...a tomato!", he wheezed painfully.

     George screamed and kicked the ground roughly, throwing his head back and laughing at an incredible volume. Dream had wedged his fingers into George's armpits and he was absolutely losing it. "Is this your worst spot?", Dream grinned down at his squirming best friend. George's crazy laugh was cutting in and out. His beet-red face nodded quickly.
"Stahp!", he choked out. Dream stilled his fingers and George calmed down to hysterical giggling. So, not-calm at all. Dream giggled amusedly as he wiggled his fingers for just another second and listened happily to George's desperate squeal. "I'm dying!", he gasped out.

Dream pulled his fingers out of George's armpits and the boy wrapped his arms around himself. He was gasping out dramatically for each breath of air. "Trying to murder me!", he whined. Dream wheezed on top of him.
"God, you are so ticklish it's insane."
"Shut up!!!"
"Hi guys I'm home!!", Sapnap's voice called out, a door slamming shut after. "Oh, what's going on?".

Before him George was breathless and red on the floor with a giggly Dream straddling him.
"Manhunt.", Dream grinned sheepishly.

Dream Team (Plus Friends) - Tickle AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن