Dream's IRL Minecraft Manhunt (Dream x GeorgeNotFound x Sapnap)

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The music yanks Dream from his sleep harder than anything ever had in his life. 'Manhunt?', he thinks groggily. It wasn't like it was crazy loud, it's just it always put this sense of urgency into him. One that told him to run. Jump. Get away from his friends as fast as possible. Wait...

Dream sat up to find George and Sapnap standing at the foot of his bed, smiling devilishly. Sapnap was holding back snickers at his dramatic reaction to the music. Dream looked over to see George's phone sitting next to him on his nightstand playing their Minecraft Manhunt playlist. 'Shit.'. Ice crawled up his spine.

They had all talked about doing a real life Minecraft Manhunt in real life a few times, but hadn't gotten any of the details together just yet. With the looks on George and Sapnap's faces he was already piecing together why. They must have been working on the idea together without him. He strained his neck around a bit until he found what he was looking for; one of their tripods set up in the corner with a camera pointed at the scene. His attention was pulled back with George's usual tease.
"Oh Dreaaaam!", he trilled.

Dream burst from the bed without a second thought and scrambled out of the room with a yelp.
"Get him!!!", Sapnap cried out. Dream flinched. This was way scarier than in Minecraft. Plus, Dream wasn't 100% sure what they would do if they caught him, but he knew it wouldn't be killing him so he had a sneaking suspicion. He tore through the living room, groaning out loudly as he spotted more cameras to capture his embarrassing fleeing. He prayed they weren't streaming.
"You guys suck!!", he yelled, skidding around a corner. He screamed as he felt a bony hand grab at his arm, but was able to duck away. "NO!", he yelled. Real fear striking in his heart.

Dream could already tell he was going to be bad at this. No nimble Minecraft character to parkour across blocks. No inventory to dig through to find the best materials to meme them with. He barely escaped their grasps over and over again as he looped through the kitchen and back out into the hallway.

Dream heard Sapnap's loud warrior cry before he felt him. He only had a second to brace before he felt Sapnap's arms wrap around his middle and they went tumbling down together. It definitely hurt when they went rolling across the hardwood floor in the hallway, but it wasn't the first time either of them had tackled the other down like this. They both couldn't help but giggle crazily despite the dull pain.
"We got him!!!", George cried out in victory.
"Yeah yeah you got me.", Dream laughed, trying to wrestle Sapnap's arms off of him. Sapnap wouldn't budge.
"Now we kill you.", George smirked. Dream's mouth opened up to reply with some joke, but it died in his throat with a squeal.
"Don't!!", Dream whined, twisting now in Sapnap's arms while the younger started to tickle his sides. "Sapnap!!!". He tried to hold back any more embarassing sounds, but squealed even louder when Sapnap grabbed his stomach. He quickly broke down into laughter.

George joined the fun and helped Sapnap wrangle Dream into a better position. The hunters were ecstatic. Dream was much stronger than both of them so they couldn't usually pin him unless they worked together, and they usually didn't work together that well. Now, as a team, they were able to pin down every one of Dream's limbs.
"Oh Dreaaan.", George teased again, softer this time. Dream giggled hysterically, soft gasp-y wheezes already breaking through.
"Please don't do this!!! There's cameras!!!", Dream squirmed helplessly.

Dream's arms were above his head being pinned down by Sapnap's legs and George was straddling his waist. It crossed his mind tnat this is probably the most he's ever been held down. He writhed in the vulnerability. Sapnap started crawling his hands down Dream's arms towards his armpits and he instantly thrashed and burst into loud laughter.
"Ahah yeah!", George cheered and dug into his stomach, drawing a wheeze out of him.
"P-please!", he struggled to get the word out.
"We caught you! And now we get to tickle you for one hour!", Sapnap wiggled a finger each into both of Dream's armpits. Dream gasped harshly.
"What!! Whaat!! Whaaat!!", he hollered like he usually did, but it sounded crazed between all his laughter. George and Sapnap giggled happily. "You're lying!!", Dream twisted and yelled. George rapid-fire poked into his sensitive stomach and Dream shrieked, shaking with a loud stutter-y laugh. "George please!!", he squeaked.

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