Claw Game (Dream x Sapnap)

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     "Dream don't!!! DON'T!!!". Sapnap thrashed wildly under a smirking Dream. He was on top of him and keeping his wrists pinned firmly to the ground above his head. His shirt had been pulled up to reveal his stomach and Dream had his hand hanging over it diabolically. Stupid claw game.
"Stay still, I'm trying to pick my prize.", Dream teased. Sapnap whined and kicked at the ground.

     Dream moved his clawed hand over to the right, then left again, letting it dangle idly as if it was really a claw inside one of those claw machines instead of just Dream being an idiot. Sapnap huffed in fury. Dream and him often got into fights and Sapnap would find himself pinned and tickled, but this technique was completely driving him up a wall. Dream tickling him would usually be pretty straightforward; pin him down and tickle him. Sapnap can't remember a time before where he was ever toyed with like this. His ears burned with embarrassment from how such a childish game was affecting him.
"You're an idiot!!", he shouted. He had to look away when his voice cracked and Dream barked out a little laugh at it. Sapnap vowed to kill him as soon as he was free.

     Suddenly, Dream picked his prize and his clawed hand dropped down to the right of Sapnap's bellybutton and all five fingers pressed in as the hand vibrated. Sapnap threw back his head and screamed. The nerves inside of him had been winding up into a tighter and tighter ball as Dream teased him. Now, he was near hysterical. Dream watched in amazement as Sapnap thrashed and shrieked with laughter, not moving from that spot on his tummy.
"What is going on? You're so ticklish today!". Sapnap could only shake his head. Dream pulled his hand back up and dangled it over him again. It swung in threatening little circles. Sapnap whined through his pants for air. He wouldn't survive another, he was sure. "I really enjoyed that prize, I think I'll try for another.". Dream was evil.

     Sapnap burst into giggles at the implication.
"No no please! No more!", he begged. Dream snorted.
"What? I've barely even tickled you!". Dream moved the claw over and up higher, even adding a little 'bzzzrt' sound for the effect. Sapnap whimpered and giggled harder. Dream tilted his head, curious and amused.
"This is so dumb, stop this stupid game! I hate you!", Sapnap sounded beyond whiny. He kicked at the ground behind Dream. Silently, he thanked the universe for George not being here. He wasn't sure why this game had him reduced to a flustered hypersensitive mess, but he knew Dream wouldn't tease him too badly. He would, but nothing to the level he knew George would.

His anticipatory giggles were only just calming down when Dream moved the claw to dangle over Sapnap's bellybutton before dropping down and attacking him again. The younger screeched helplessly as the fingers pressed in and vibrated mercilessly in a claw. His whole body jerked and flinched as he wailed with laughter.

     Dream pulled his hand back up after a few seconds and grinned goofily as Sapnap stayed squirming. He was a red-faced giggly mess.
"Let me go!!". Dream made his 'bzzzrt" sound effect as he moved and dangled his claw over Sapnap's ribs; a significantly more ticklish spot. Sapnap cried out in protest, but Dream quickly dropped the claw down and started digging into the side of his ribs. Sapnap nearly broke out of the hold as he instantly twisted and screamed with laughter. He tried begging, but it was completely incoherent. His eyes watered as he kicked weakly at the ground, feeling so small and helpless.

Dream lifted up again and laughed as Sapnap whined through his unending giggles. He hadn't calmed down for one second since Dream pinned him. He ruffled his sweaty hair as he let him calm down a bit.
"This game makes you go totally insane.".
"Yeah...I don't know why.", Sapnap admitted softly. Dream's curiosity was flustering. He had that expression he normally wore when he wanted to know everything about a subject. Sapnap groaned.
"Yeah, you're pretty ticklish, but you're a total mess right now and I only went for the prize three times.". Sapnap flinched at his playful choice of words. "I think these little games make it worse for you.", Dream hummed when he finished. He gave a little nod as well, pleased with his own conclusion.
"Do not tell George.", he said with as much authority as he could.
"Don't tell George what?". They both jumped out of their skin at the British voice behind them.

Dream Team (Plus Friends) - Tickle AUWhere stories live. Discover now