George's Simp (Dream Team)

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Dream wouldn't meet Sapnap's eyes as he slunk back out of the living room. Sapnap scoffed at his disappearing frame as George giggled with glee next him on the couch.
"You're seriously...I just don't understand it.", Sapnap shook his head as looked to George again, who just kicked his feet up on the coffee table and started scrolling through his phone unbothered.
"He just knows I'm stressed and cares about me. He would do the same for you if you asked.", George shrugged.

George and Sapnap had been hanging out together in the living room when Dream had come to ask George a question...about his video...that he was apparently editing for him.

"You're so evil dude. I'm not like you, I wouldn't just ask things of him to see what I could get him to do for me.", Sapnap shook his head, half in disbelief and half in amusement. His eyebrows furrowed though when he saw the look on George's face. The, decidedly, evil look.
"Now that's an idea.", George murmured, a creepy smile overtaking his face. Sapnap could see the wheels turning in his head.
"Um. What's an idea?", Sapnap asked carefully. He already knew. Whatever he had said had inspired some future torment for Dream. He wondered if he should ignore this, try and stop it, or lean into it and have some fun alongside George.
"Let's make a bet.", George sat up and smirked, deciding for him apparently.


George only allowed Dream the time to finish editing his video before he would drag him under his mischief, apparently blinded by it all to allow Dream some peace for his kindness.

Dream came back into the living room to find the other two boys sat crosslegged on the floor speaking in hushed tones.
"Dream!", George callled, coaxing a fond smile from the boy as he trailed over and joined them on the carpet. Before he could say anything else, George set his plan into motion. He let out a well-crafted sigh. Sapnap watched the magic. Dream put all his attention on George and placed a reassuring hand on his arm.

"Dream?", his voice was soft. Dream nodded. George only sighed again, looking away. Sapnap held back his scoff, the show was too obvious. He was surprised to see Dream fall for it hook, line, and sinker anyway.
"George what's wrong? Hey, Georgie?", Dream shook his arm lightly.
"Oh nothing, never mind. You'll just say no..." George murmured and started to push himself to stand. Dream pulled him back down and shook his head quickly.
"I won't! What's going on? Please just tell me. It's okay.", Dream pleaded. In the trap. So in the trap. Really, Sapnap couldn't decide if he needed to slap some sense into Dream or beg George to tell him how he gets people like this so easily. Maybe he'll do both, but for now he was going to enjoy this. George looked back at Dream slowly and tilted his head, feigning hesitation. He took a breath as if collecting his confidence.
"I just really want to tickle you. Could you just let me? And not fight back, just let me?".

Dream's cheeks brightened immediately. Sapnap held back a snicker. In his head this was a well-crafted bet. While Dream seemed to fold to George's will endlessly, he was horribly ticklish. Sapnap is betting that Dream will either find it in him to say no or he will say yes and then not be able to follow through anyway. George is betting Dream will say yes and then actually lay there and laugh himself silly while not fighting back at all.
"Wh-what?", Dream stutters. He finally snaps his gaze over to Sapnap and his blush burns up to his ears. Sapnap watches him wordlessly. George goes silent as well. They both watch him. "George why...what? Why do you want to do that?". George shrugs and plays with his fingers, giving him a shy smile. Sapnap shakes his head at the evilness of it.
"It would make me really happy.", he states gently. His tone is so sure, like he knows that's enough. It isn't like he is sweetly asking. He isn't trying to convince Dream or coax him into the idea. Dream sighs and rubs at his jaw.


     "What if Sapnap just holds me down for you?", Dream asked. His eyes flicked between the two nervously. George was perched on top of him looking particularly menacing with his fingers above him, itching to dive in. Sapnap was sat crosslegged beside them, watching with a strange mix of amusement and pity. Dream was on his back with his hands stretched out above him. Neither boy responded to him as they watched him go back and forth between stretching his arms straight above him and putting his hands behind his head. "Like, I want to stay still for you, but George I'm already freaking out.". He really was, too. A total flustered mess underneath George. He had squirmed enough already to mess up his curls and a dark line of blush crossed his nose and cheeks, seemingly permanent from this point on. Sapnap laughed softly as he met George's gaze. Sapnap is counting on Dream not being able to handle this. George is fully aware of Dream's inability to handle anticipation though, so he barrels on.
"I'm sure you can. Just stop being a baby.".

     George ignores Dream's scoff and starts pinching at his hips, drawing a horrified squeak out of him before he burst into giggles. He was a goner immediately. He crossed his arms over his face and giggled hysterically, twitching back and forth under George's teasing touch.

     George grinned and kept his tickles traveling up. He stayed fairly above the clothes, but let his touch become meaner. Clawed hands dug into Dream's sides and he squealed, kicking at the carpet now as the laughter forced its way out of him. They both watched in amazement as Dream crossed his arms tighter over his face, but just laid there squirming and taking it.
"Get his tummy.", Sapnap demanded. It was fun seeing Dream like this, but he had a bet to win.
"I'll get there eventually.". George giggled as he switched to quick poking at the sides. Dream whined loudly before wheezing and arching his back, quickly falling back into his helpless laughter. He was clearly displeased with how they were talking about him, but he seemed determined to not protest as well.

George lifted his hands and Dream gasped for air. His arms dropped above his head and he shook his red face.
"Okay...are you satisfied?", he was choking back his own giggles. He groaned as George shook his head 'no'.
"No, I want to see your face.", he grinned. Sapnap rolled his eyes at how cocky he was. Dream whimpered and put his hands behind his head.
"Really Dream?", Sapnap gaped. Dream looked away, nearly burning to a crisp. George laughed smugly, knowingly...dangerously. He reached back and found Dream's knee, smirking as he whined and then slid up, latching onto the muscle above it. He tickled it mercilessly. Dream wheezed and squeezed his eyes shut, writhing in place as his laughter finally caught up and tore out of him. He wailed with laughter, his leg spasming under George's evil touch. His eyelashes were wet with tears by the time he came to a stop and Sapnap was floored.
"How are you doing this? George okay man, you have to get his tummy.", Sapnap shakes his head and tugs up Dream's shirt to reveal it, "Come on! There's no way! I have to see it.". Dream let out a little cry of protest.
"Fine, but he's not going to budge.". George shrugs, grabs Dream's waist with both hands, and drops his head down to blow a series of raspberries into his bare tummy. Dream sinks both his hands into his own curls and drops his head back. He collapses entirely into hysterical laughter. Wheezes and screams puncture his laughter as he kicks wildly at the air and into the carpet. His blush crawled down his neck and he twitched violently as he held himself somehow from tossing George across the room. Sapnap watched in jaw-dropped shock. Raspberries on his death spot...and he's just taking it? Dream's insane laugh pierced their ears, the volume incredible.

George sat up after nearly a minute of the torture and giggled as he wiped his mouth. Dream's own giggles were unending. He flopped his arms back, looking delirious as he continued to hiccup with giggles and kick at the ground.
"You totally broke him. That's so...that's crazy. You're both crazy.", Sapnap shakes his head. He dug five dollars out of his pocket and slapped it into George's open hand. George grinned slyly.
"What...fuck...", Dream gasped through his giggles. He looked wrecked. "What, why did you him?", he asks, barely collected.
"I just bet George you weren't that much of a simp. But, I lost.". Sapnap stood up and brushed himself off, smirking at the glare George pinned him with.
"Shut up stinknap.", he hissed. He had been planning on using different wording and Sapnap was going to get him in trouble. Dream gasped and George met his gaze with a sheepish smile. Sapnap escaped the room quickly, pleased with himself. He had lost, but now George would lose too.

A loud shriek rang out through the house and soon it was filled with George's crazed laughter and tortured screams. While Dream was definitely George's biggest simp, George was nothing but helpless underneath Dream's wrath.

Dream Team (Plus Friends) - Tickle AUWhere stories live. Discover now