32 - Like Home

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Cubed chicken breasts, red potatoes, and fresh green beans were all seasoned and spread on a baking sheet ready to roast when a knock sounded at Jake's door. My heart clenched in my chest, even though Evan didn't know where Jake lived.

Still, I snuck quietly toward the door to peek through the peephole. Standing there in regular clothes instead of his police uniform was Scott. I released a deep sigh as my shoulders slumped in relief. How long would it be before a knock at the door didn't send fear zipping through me?

Opening the door, I smiled at the man that saved me and tried not to let embarrassment sour my expression. Scott had always been nothing but kind, and I wouldn't want him to think I didn't like seeing him.

He beamed at me as I stepped back and he entered. "I was hoping you'd be here."

"Didn't Jake tell you I was here?" I followed him to the living room, realizing Scott was familiar with the layout, so he and Jake must have stayed closer than I realized. Guilt poked at my stomach. Jake knew everything about me. Was I so self-centered that I didn't even know who his other friends were?

Scott flopped on the couch. "No. I just figured he'd want to keep an eye on you."

I sat at the opposite end of the couch and tried to relax my stiff posture. Scott scanned me, his eyes narrowing. "You're safe here. You know that, right?"

"I know." I picked at my nails to busy my hands. "It's just—" Mortifying. Soul crushing. Lonely. I took a deep breath, puffing out my cheeks as I released it slowly. "A lot, I guess."

"I get that. Is there anything I can help with?"

There was no hint of negativity or judgment on his face. He looked at me the way he always had. Like I was his friend's little sister or something. Someone to care about in a distant, generic sort of way.

It was comforting without being overwhelming and the easy vibe let me open up. "I feel bad for taking over Jake's apartment." I waved at my stuff, filling the small area. "But I have to find a job before I can do much. And I can't go back to the gas station because I'm worried about what people will think of me." The last sentence was hardly a whisper as I shoved the words through my suddenly dry throat.

"No one has to know." He shrugged.

"Michelle's going to find out, and Jake knows. After the way I treated them, that's bad enough."

Scott chuckled. "Michelle can be a hard-ass, but she'll come around." He smirked, showing off the cute set of dimples that made all the girls in high school swoon. "And I'm one hundred percent sure Jake's happy as hell that you're here. He won't mind the boxes."

"I guess." I straightened my spine. "What now? What do I have to do about Evan?"

"Press charges and file a restraining order. Come to the station tomorrow. I'll be working and I'll walk you through it."

"Okay, thanks. But what good will a restraining order do?"

His brow furrowed. "I know it's a frustrating process and a piece of paper can't keep him away, but hopefully it'll be a deterrent. Plus, if he comes anywhere near you, that's enough of a reason to call the police."

"I just hope he'll move away. His brother said he probably would. Apparently, that's what he usually does." Nausea rolled in my gut at the reminder that I was just part of his pattern. Nothing special, just someone dumb enough to fall for his shit.

Scott grimaced. "Yeah, I looked at his record and this isn't the first time his temper has gotten him in trouble."

"Please." I held up my hand. "Don't tell me. I already feel stupid enough."

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