26 - Not Enough

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Saying goodbye to Evan after our trip was harder than usual. He'd been so attentive and loving for days. I hated to see him go. We'd skipped breakfast, opting for extra time in bed instead, but now we stood beside the front door as he pulled me against him for one last kiss before work.

His hands slid over my waist, gripping my ass as he pulled away and spoke against my lips. "I'm going to miss this ass today."

I giggled. "What about the rest of me?"

"I'll miss it all." He smirked. "When I get home, I'll show you how much."

"Hmm." I nibbled his bottom lip and reached down to stroke him over his slacks. "I'll be waiting."

He groaned. "That's my needy girl. Didn't you get enough of my cock over the last few days?"

"Never enough." I grinned as he pecked my lips and backed away.

"Let me go, so I can get back. I love you."

"I love you. Have a good day."

"You too, baby doll."

I stood at the door, waving as he backed out of the driveway. As soon as he was gone, I raced for the backdoor. Wolfy perked up as soon as he saw me, standing on his back legs and pawing the air.

I'd purposely stayed out of sight when Owen went out to fill his bowls last night, just in case Wolfy's excitement showed. Seeing him now, I was glad I'd thought of it. There'd be no way to explain his behavior without telling Evan that I was spending a ton of time with the dog he'd told me to stay away from.

"Hey, sweet boy! Did you miss me?" I knelt, and he sat in front of me, letting me hug his neck. "I sure missed you!"

He fell back and rolled over, wanting me to rub his tummy. After several minutes of petting and hugs, he ran off to get his toy. We played tug of war and fetch until he was tired and I was so relieved that he didn't seem upset with me for being gone for days. He was his usual playful self.

When he finally seemed ready to settle down, I sat beside his favorite tree and he curled up against my legs. I told him about the mountains and the deer we'd seen—it didn't matter that he didn't understand me; he seemed to enjoy listening to me talk.

An hour later, he was drifting off, and I decided it was time for me to go in. "I need to take a shower, but I'll be out here to see you tomorrow morning." I kissed his fuzzy nose. "Love you, Wolfy."

He licked my face, but didn't object when I stood and went back to the house. Sitting on the ground all that time had done nothing to help the sore muscles in my legs or the ache in my pussy. A bath would help.

Gathering my things while the tub filled, I added lavender scented Epsom salts to the water. I wanted to feel my best and be ready for Evan when he got home.

As the pain melted away in the hot water, I checked my email on my phone, spotting one from my school. It was a notice warning that registration for next semester was ending. My mouth fell open.

I should've realized. Classes would start in a couple of weeks. I definitely wanted to enroll, and I was cutting it close. But what would Evan say? My stomach twisted.

He hadn't reacted well the last time I mentioned school, but that was before he knew Jake wasn't there anymore. Evan knew I wanted to be a teacher. He'd even be supportive of the idea when I'd first told him of my plan.

Surely, now that he knew there was no other reason for me to go, he'd be happy for me to return and work toward my goal. Especially after the last few days. How could he possibly think I'd be interested in anyone else?

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