3 - First Date

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Evan slipped behind the wheel, bringing the scent of his spicy cologne with him. Something fluttered low in my stomach, and I felt like I should say something, but I wasn't sure what to talk about, or what to do with my hands. Where did I usually put my hands?

I settled for folding them together on top of my crossed legs—yeah, that seemed normal. My dress pulled even higher when I sat, which wasn't ideal, but I didn't want to yank it down either. I already felt like I'd been moving too much, like a hyper kid that couldn't settle in their seat.

Could he tell how nervous I was? I peeked over, and he didn't seem to notice my awkwardness. He was watching the traffic, waiting for a chance to exit the apartment complex.

After joining the line of cars, he said, "I hope you like Mitchell's. I made a reservation for 8:30." He glanced over with a dazzling smile I returned automatically, while reminding myself to breathe.

"I've never been. I've heard it's really nice, though." Of course I hadn't been there. It was the most expensive place in town. I couldn't afford to spend a week's grocery money on one meal.

"I haven't tried it yet either, but I asked around at work and heard it's great."

What if he didn't know how expensive it was? I didn't mind paying my half, but I wasn't sure I could buy bread there, let alone a meal. "I've heard it's crazy expensive. It's definitely more than I can afford. If there's some place else you'd like to go, that'd be fine too. We don't have to be fancy."

He let out a surprised huff of laughter. "Don't worry about that. I asked you out, it's my treat." He stopped at a red light.

"Okay. If you're sure?" My eyebrows pinched together.

"I'm sure." His eyes roamed my face, making my neck tingle. "I like your hair that way."

"Thank you." I reached up to touch it. "I usually just do a ponytail for work."

He nodded as the light changed and his focus shifted back to driving. "I've noticed. So how long have you worked there? Do you like it?"

"I enjoy working with my friends. Michelle and I have worked there since high school. I started when I was fourteen, and she started right after me. Jake started a few years later."

"Michelle's the blonde one, right?"

"Yep." I grinned, not at all surprised that he'd noticed her. Everyone did. "She's hard to miss being the bubbly, outgoing one there."

"I don't know." He shrugged and glanced at me. "I only noticed her because she was talking to you."

A blush heated my skin, and I was glad the sun had gone down. Hopefully, he wouldn't see how easily he affected me.

"I don't remember seeing a guy, though."

"Oh, Jake mostly works in the back. It's his food we sell."

He nodded. "It's nice liking the people you work with."

"For sure. They've been my best friends forever. The job is decent anyway though and Reggie's the best. He works around mine and Jake's schedule every semester."

"Oh, I didn't know you were in school. What are you going for?"

"I want to be a teacher, but I can only take a few classes at a time and still work enough to cover my bills. So at the rate I'm going, teaching will be a five-year degree." I groaned. "But I'm almost there, so that's good."

His eyes quickly traveled the length of my legs before turning back to the windshield, and I realized I'd relaxed and leaned closer as I spoke. "Teaching, wow." He clicked his cheek. "That's got to be a hard job."

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