17- his effect

475 6 12

-one sided uzuren
-teacher Uzui, student Rengoku
-manipulative Uzui
-Stockholm Syndrome


(Bold= Uzui)
(underline= Rengoku)

"Tsk tsk tsk... silly boy... You got too close and you got hurt. When will you ever learn Kyojuro, your so easy to toy with, tch"

It was a Friday afternoon at school, Rengoku was in Mr Uzui's class for his last session.

Rengoku was a foolish teenager, head over heals for the well known Art teacher, but it was ridiculous, a teacher and a student dating? How pathetic, yet Rengoku did anything to get Uzui's approval, even if it cause Rengoku to get hurt. Of course Uzui knew about his student's little crush on him, so he used it to his advantage, using Rengoku, touring with his feelings and his body. Uzui knew what he was doing was wrong, but he didn't care.

Slowly, very slowly, Rengoku started to lose feelings for his art teacher, but Uzui wouldn't have it, so here they are, the last session of the day, Rengoku pinned to Uzui's desk as Uzui guilted the boy, calling him degrading things, manipulating him.

"Come on Kyojuro, let me in that small brain of yours~ no one has to know, let's keep it between us yeah?"

"No Mr Uzui... Please, why are you doing this? "

"Because, the young make perfect toys, now come on Kyo, don't keep me waiting, I'd hate my favourite student to hurt me"

Uzui knew his words were affecting Rengoku, he could tell by his expression, the way his eyes slightly dullened, his face dropping slightly. Uzui knew he was slowly getting into Rengoku's head, and he loved it. He didn't love Rengoku, oh no, he was merely just a toy, another obstacle for the art teacher. But he would never admit it to the student.

"Come on! Answer me!! Your hurting me you know? By you not answering? I was neglected as a child, so you not answering is making me feel the same way I did back when I was younger"

Rengoku's heart dropped, he never wanted to hurt Uzui, but he didn't love Uzui anymore, he was starting to get scared as Uzui slammed his fist into the wall beside them. The anger in Uzui's eyes was enough to tell Rengoku he fucked up.

"Mr Uzui I don't like you like that, please... I never meant to hurt you!! I'm sorry please don't be angry or hurt!! "

As Uzui moved his fist away from the wall he showed Rengoku his red raw and bleeding knuckles.

"You did that Kyojuro... You hurt me... Why?"

Uzui cradled his bleeding fist as he glared at Rengoku, it was all part of his plan, to toy and mess with the younger one. But of course he never intended to punch the wall, but he wanted the younger to see how he was hurting Uzui, this was all an act though, it was clear to others, but to Rengoku... Seeing his former crush hurt because of him, it did something to him, he felt bad and guilty.

Ok, I might finish this chapter but I need your guys opinion on it first

13/12/23 edited- I'm back and ready to finish this!!

"If only you had let me in... I wouldn't be hurt-"

"Please!! I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to!"

Rengoku rushed over, picking up his hand and pulling some bandaids out of his pocket, placing it on Uzui's injured knuckles, he gave it a small kiss, like a mother would to her small child if they got hurt. Uzui chuckled, grabbing the back of his neck, forcing him into a kiss, Rengoku tried to pull away but the teacher was just stronger, as the kiss went on Rengoku thought to himself, he wondered why Uzui couldn't accept the face that he didn't love him, unless Uzui was right, and that it was all Rengoku's fault. He was snapped out of his mini trance when he was harshly shoved into a wall, Uzui kissing his neck still. Rengoku wasn't enjoying this one bit, he begged and begged for Uzui to stop but he didn't as tears streamed down his face Uzui began to gently touch him, rubbing his waist and wiping his tears, whispering praises into Rengoku's ear.

It had been 4 months since Rengoku went missing, Uzui acted sad, crying and sobbing to all of the teachers how much he missed his favourite student, how much he wanted him to come back. But the reality was.... Was that Uzui had taken him, against his will, forcing Rengoku to love him, abusing him every now and then if he stepped out of line, he trained Rengoku's brain to accept Uzui's forceful and lustful actions, the pain would never end for Rengoku, but in the end, he slowly found himself falling in love with his kidnapper.

HEY GUYS AS!!! IVE FINISHED ITTTTT, IS ANYONE EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS? anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, sorry for not finishing it earlier I did have the house sitting, except it went for an extra day, but that's ok because I got like over 100 bucks, plus they said I did a very good job and possibly want me to do it again next year.


Make sure you guys eat food and drink plenty water (especially if your Aussie because it's like I'm burning in hell here)

But also make sure to look after yourselves, trust me being at the hospital with a tube down your throat because you starved and hadn't drunken any water is not fun, I can say that from expirence

Words: 976

Time published: ???

Date published: 8/12/2023

Time edited: 5:20 am

Date edited: 14/12/2022

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