chapter sixty one

Start from the beginning

"put on your mask, they recognize faces." soap tossed over a balaclava to me and put on his helmet, fixing his tactical headphones.

"do we have to wear all black in this heat?" i complained, pulling the mask over my head and putting on my helmet. i fixed my tactical headphones and leaned against the wall, waiting for the others to finish.

könig walked over to me, looking down. "do you know the plan?"

"maybe?" i looked up at him nervously.

"fuck." he turned to soap, walking over to him.

könig talked to soap on the other side of the room. soap looked back and me and shook his head, letting out a sigh.

soap walked over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder and continued walking over towards the door. "i'm gonna explain this plan to you."



"reids don't fuck this up." soap said on the radio channel.

i turned up my headphones, replying back to soap. "you're gonna make me nervous." i teased, looking down into the snipers scope.

"the target is to the left, wearing a red suit, an older looking guy."

"yep." i moved the scope slightly to the left, looking for the man in the red suit. i finally spotted the man, talking to someone else with a cigar in his mouth. "found em."

"make the call."

i took a deep breath squeezing the trigger, feeling the butt of the sniper hit into my shoulder, causing it to sting. i peeped back into the scope, seeing i hit the target in the chest, watching the people around him scurry off and the other move in for the attack.

"good shot reids."

"oh fuck." i let out a sigh of relief, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, looking back into the scope and watching soap move in slowly towards the building. movement behind him caught my attention, furrowing my brows in confusion and watching the area behind him.

i noticed a man, creeping towards soap with a blade reflecting in his hand from the light. i fired again, hitting the man in the head.

"shit!" soap looked back at the man on the ground, continuing forward again. "give me a heads up next time will ya?" he huffed, sounding more aggravated by the minute. "get your ass down here and help us!" he fired a few rounds before entering the building with alejandro.

"how the fuck am i supposed to get there?" i shouted back on the radio, moving the piece to the headset closer to my mouth.

"figure it the fuck out!"

i shook my head and clenched my teeth, getting up and hoisted the sniper of my shoulder.


i panted, trying to hide from vehicles behind trees and garbage cans as i noticed it was more of the cartel hurrying to the fight.

"you gotta be shitting me!" i watched as another car sped past me, i crawled away from the garbage can and grabbed my handgun out of its holster, aiming at the car tires and firing. the car screeched and sparks flew as there tires began to tear away. the car stopped, both front doors opened and they looked back to where the shots fired from, looking down at their tires. i got up off of the ground, hiding my gun behind me back and quickly walking towards them.

"hey- stop right there!" one of the men shouted at me.

i ignored them, continuing to walk towards them.

"you don't want me to hurt you chica, turn around and stop walking this way!" he repeated.

i drew my gun from behind me, shooting both of them in leg. i looked down at them as they cried out in pain, grabbing their leg.

"shoot that bitch!" the man yelled to his friend. he looked up at me hesitantly and started to reach for his gun. i raised my gun and shot twice.

i let out a gasp for breath, leaning forward and coughing as i realized i was holding my breath out of nervousness the whole time. "fuck!" i got into their car, pressing down on the peddle and trying to steer straight with the missing tire that was slightly making the car shift to the left.

i finally made it, pulling over around the corner and looking at the other cars stop next to the building.

"where the fuck are you reids?" soap shouted on the radio.

"i'm here- but there's more coming in!"

"aghh- fuck! where's könig?"

"right here." königs voice on the radio broke the frustration between me and soap.

i let out a sigh of relief and quickly got out of the car, spotting könig come down the street slowly with his mini gun.

"why the fuck would they give him a mini gun??" i huffed to myself, hiding behind the car as the barrel of the machine gun began to spin.

the sound of the bullets were loud, making me jump even tho i expected it. lights flashed as he continued shooting, spraying down the whole lot.

könig let out a breathy chuckle "fuck yeah!" his voice slightly went out on the radio, coming back in. "rush them out of the building with your smoke grenades (y/n)!"

i looked down to my holster, grabbing a smoke grenade out of it. i walked towards the building, looking at the men scurry and fire outside of the windows. i pulled the pin out of the grenade, chucking it to the window, successfully breaking it and getting it inside of the building. a sudden bang echoed through the streets, watching the smoke seep into the rooms, slowly trailing out of the windows, i watched the smoke slowly cover the moon then looking back at the building, hearing men shout out in panic and hurrying down the stairs of the building.

könig motioned me to get out of the way. i quickly ran behind the car again, dolphin diving to get into cover as i barely made it before he started firing again. i felt an arm grab me, lifting me off the ground.

"let's go!" soap shouted, quickly grabbing my arm and running away from the building. "that place is going to blow any minute!"

i looked back as we ran, seeing alejandro and simon run with us shortly after.

"what about könig?" i shouted over the firing of the mini gun.

"never mind that, he'll be fine- we need to get to the next location and help the others!"


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