chapter nine

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i walked out the weight room, making my way to the kitchen.

there was scrambled eggs and sausage in a tupperware container on the island, i grabbed a fork and decided to eat it since no one else did.

after eating, i walked back to my room. i laid down resting my eyes as my side was aching from the other day.

i woke up hours later. i read the clock, 6pm.

i got up, stretching and walked out the room. the house was quiet.

i walked to the meeting room and put my ear up to the door, silence. i decided to check every room i knew and the house was empty.

"where the hell did everyone go?"

i walked to the kitchen and looked out to the field and shooting range, everyone was on the field playing football, but könig wasn't in sight.

i opened the back door and walked out, it was warm out and the sky was a greyish blue with hints of orange and pink.

i walked over to the field, watching them all play. i sat down on the bench.

"ah look who's awake!" soap waved to me and continued chasing the ball.

i waved back and smiled, looking around for könig.

"hallo, schöne (hello beautiful)."

i jumped and turned around, "könig!" i stood up and hugged him tightly.

he put his hand on my head and pulled me in closer by my waist with the other.

"i missed you.." he whispered softly in my ear, giving me a smile.

"i missed you too!" i smiled.

he planted a kiss on my forehead, squeezing me tighter before letting go.

"you should come play with us." gaz panted running up to me and könig. "my team could use the help."

"i don't know.." könig rubbed the back of his neck, smiling nervously.

"you should go play!" i insisted.

"alright, alright, calm down schatz (sweetheart)." he grinned and followed behind gaz.

i watched him play, he was strong but quick on his feet, no one was able to get the ball from him, he dodged every move or tackled anyone with the ball.

his strength and speed intimidated the other team, making them try even harder, they were practically throwing eachother over the ball.

i smiled and enjoyed my time watching him play, his sweat soaked his shirt and hair.

finally, everyone was done playing their game.

"you guys fucking suck!" gaz snickered, taunting the other team.

"you had a tank for a teammate cunt." soap rolled his eyes, walking back inside with a towel over his shoulder.

"schatz (sweetheart)!" könig jogged towards me putting his arms on the bench infront of me, face to face with me. "what do you want for dinner?" he planted a kiss on my forehead then smiling.

"i could go for spaghetti."

he nodded then stood up straight, holding his hand out for me to grab.

i held onto his hand, standing up from the bench and let him lead me to the kitchen through the back door.

he put an apron on then walked over to the cabinet, grabbing pasta and tomato sauce from the fridge, setting it on the counter.

ghost walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing a pepsi, sitting at the island across from me. i tried to not make eye contact with him so i pulled out my phone and scrolled through tiktok to pass time.

"what are you cooking german?" ghost looked over to him.

"ich füttere es lieber an hunde als an dich (i rather feed it to dogs than you)." könig chuckled.

i kept my eyes at my phone until i felt a hand bring my chin up, könig was looking down at me.

"what are you watching?" he leaned down to get a better look, watching my phone.

"it's just a bunch of cat videos." it was embarrassing to admit, but he smiled at every video, enjoying the cats.

"do you like cats?"

he nodded, smiling even harder. his scar crinkled a bit.

ghost sucked his teeth from annoyance.
"are you two done?" ghost grumbled, finishing his soda and tapping his finger on the table.

"okay, i have to finish the food." könig quickly got up, moving back to the stove to stir the sauce.

i waited for könig to finish cooking before grabbing the plates and forks for dinner.

"schatz (sweetheart)! why don't we eat in here while the others eat in the dinning room." könig grinned making me laugh.

"of course!" i smiled, placing everyone's plates and forks down in the dinning room before walking back in the kitchen and placing königs plate and fork down, then mine.

könig brought out the pot of spaghetti and put however much they wanted in their plates and came back and put spaghetti in ours.

"now we're on a proper date!" he teased, giving me a goofy smile.

"oh great now i'm on a date with you." i rolled my eyes teasing him.

he reached out for my hand and grabbed it. "(y/n) you do know that you have all of my heart."

i felt my face getting hot, feeling flustered. "your so sweet without trying it's torture."

könig chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"i think you might have mine too.." i gazed at him with a grin.

he planted a kiss on my forehead before grabbing his fork and starting to eat. "eat i made it just for you."

i giggled, digging into the plate.

shortly after waiting and everyone going their ways, i helped könig wash the dishes.

after i finished i pushed myself up against the counter, sitting on it while watching könig dry his hands.

he walked over to me, putting his arms on the counter infront of me. "schatz (sweetheart).." his eyes met mine, soon moving his eyes to look at my lips.

he leaned in biting his lips, kissing me.

i cupped his cheek, feeling his kisses get hungrier, feeling his need in every kiss. his hand rubbing my thigh slowly, making me feel excited, before he pulled away.

"that's all for now schatz (sweetheart)." he smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"könig.." i looked up and him, looking into his eyes.

"what is it schatz (sweetheart)?" he gave me a reassuring look.

"i need you.."

"mm, in need of me aren't you now?" he whispered in my, teasing me then smirking.

"please.. i want you to take me könig." i moved my hand up his arm, rubbing it gently before smiling at him.

"oh schatz (sweetheart), i'd love to take you, but i don't think i'll be able to control myself." he bit his lip before lifting me off the counting and gently putting me down.

"is that so?" i smiled, feeling my face get hot.

he cupped my cheek, rubbing his thumb gently on it. "of course."

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