chapter fifty five

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(schatz = sweetheart)


i woke up feeling the warm sunlight hit my face through the blinds. i stretched, turning over and watched as könig slept peacefully. i kissed his cheek and gently crawled out of bed, walking to the bathroom and brushing my teeth. i made my way out of the bathroom, grabbing my hoodie that was at the end of my bed and pulled it over my head. i sighed, walking out my room and entering the kitchen.

"morning lass." soap greeted, smiling and looking back down at his plate.

"goodmorning." i replied, sitting down next to him at the island.

he slid his plate infront of me and placed the fork down. "have the rest i'm full."

i nodded and smiled, picking up the fork and taking a bite of the scrambled eggs he was eating.

"so, how did it go last night?" soap looked over to me.

i looked over to soap and huffed. "well.. we talked for a bit, he's going try to talk to simon i guess."

"that's good, as long as they're not trying to rip each others head off." he shrugged, breaking eye contact from me.

"yeah let's hope könig rips his off first." i giggled, taking the last bite and getting up, placing the plate in the sink.

soap chuckled, looking at me as i sat back down next to him.

price shortly entered the kitchen, holding an envelope.

"what's this?" soap questioned as price placed the envelop down on the island.

"an invitation." price took a seat across from us.

soap examined the letter, skimming through it. "for what? some silly party?" he chuckled, placing down the letter.

"not a fan huh?" price rubbed his mustache, grabbing the letter.

"who's party?" i looked over to price.

"good question, found this in one of the cartels pockets before we got rid of them." price leaned forward, resting his arms on the island top.

"so you tell us weeks later?" soap raised a brow, looking back down at the letter.

price glared at soap for a moment before clearing his throat. "it starts tonight." price got up from his seat, grabbing the envelope and letter. "look presentable!" he shouted as we walked out the kitchen.

"for fucks sake." soap shook his head, rubbing his forehead. "everyone's slowly losing their sanity."

"yeah won't be long before you do." i nudged his shoulder teasingly. he giggled and took a deep breath.

"you have anything 'presentable'?" he mocked.

"definitely not, you guys only grabbed the worst clothes in my closet." i giggled.

"oh right." he smiled. "well then, i better get going." he pat my shoulder, getting up from his seat and walking out the kitchen.

i sighed, getting up as well and walking back to my bedroom.

könig jumped up from under the covers and looked over to me, breathing heavily.

"you okay?"

he panted, running his fingers through his hair and sweeping it back from his face. "yeah i'm fine.. just a bad dream."

"about what?" i sat down besides him on the bed.

"nothing to worry about schatz." he smiled, cupping my cheek and rubbing it gently with his thumb.

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