chapter six

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könig entered through the door, ducking his head. he pulled out a chair and took a seat.

"we're going to find your brother and we are going to stop this (y/n). we don't want anyone to get hurt." soap leaned back in his chair. "we'll find him."

i sighed out of relief.

"i think your friend here owes (y/n) and apology." könig growled.

"i don't have to apologize to shit." ghost snapped back, slamming his fist against the wall.

"you try being half naked and tortured for fucking hours! i shouldn't have to explain myself to any of you!" i huffed, crossing my arms and tapping my foot out of frustration.

"for fucks sake, straighten her out." ghost stood up, walking towards the door, opening and slamming it shut.

"i guess that's it for now." soap coughed, trying to break the awkward silence and stood up from his chair walking out the room.

i got out the chair, and so did könig.

könig stood over me, towering over me. "let's go schatz (sweetheart)." he grabbed my hand and led me out the room.

he opened the bedroom door and followed behind me. "i guess this is goodnight again." he chuckled, leaning against the doorframe, showing how tall he really is.

"i guess it is." i giggled, waving goodbye to him.

"goodnight schatz (sweetheart)." he turned around walking out the door and shutting it.

"goodnight.." i sighed.

i woke up, looking at the clock, 8:00am. i got up and went to the bathroom to shower. i came out, looking for a shirt through my bag of clothes that soap brought in.

"dude i'm not going to walk around with a bra.." i sighed embarrassingly, finally finding a shirt and putting it on.

könig walked in, ducking his head under the door frame. "goodmorning schatz (sweetheart), i'm going to be at the weight room at 10am." he smiled.

"okay!" i nodded back with a smile, sitting on the bed, tilting my head to look at könig.

"umm. about yesterday, i'm sorry about ghost." he looked away, rubbing the back
of his neck.

"maybe keep your friend under control, and i won't have to say anything to him." i rolled my eyes, looking away from könig.

"it's just that-" i immediately cut him off, "why are you explaining anything for him? do you have any idea what it's like?" i looked at him, furrowing my brows.

"no its just-" i scoffed, " it's just nothing könig! what you want to torture me too?" i shouted, starting to take off my shirt exposing my bare chest.

"please just calm down, put the shirt back on." könig consoled.

"no könig neither of you don't understand!"

gaz entered the room, "what's going on? is everything alright?"

"no gaz everything is alright!" i snapped.

"put the shirt on (y/n)." könig stood infron of me, blocking gaz's view, he grabbed my shirt from next to me and held it out for me.

i moved his hand away from me, "get ready gaz, we're going to recreate what the fuck the cartel did to me!"

"just calm down, none of this is your fault." gaz reassured.

"put the fucking shirt on. now." könig looked down at me with a serious expression on his face. his tired eyes looked at me with anger.


"mmcht." he put the shirt over my head and pulled both of my arms through, he kneeled down and held me.

"look everything is fine, we're getting this situated. it's not your fault nor königs, mine, soaps or ghosts. please understand." gaz sighed while walking out the door.

i felt tears sting my eyes, burying my head into königs chest and sobbing.

he held me tighter not letting go, "i've got you it's okay schatz (sweetheart)." he gave me reassuring smile.

he cupped my cheek, wiping my tears with his thumb, he held me until i stopped crying.

"i'm okay now, i just need to be alone."

he nodded and stood up, making his way out the door and stopped before he left, "just come see me when your ready."

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