chapter thirty eight

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i sighed and took a step. a woman turned the corner and smiled.

"hello (y/n)! i'm sure you remember me when i treated your wounds." she smiled.

"yea definitely, he's awake now." i moved past her and walked down to my bedroom, opening the door and slamming it shut. i plopped down onto the bed and grabbed my pillow, shoving it into my face and screaming into it. i felt pressure on my stomach and moved the pillow, looking down at my stomach and seeing otto glare at me. "hey otto!" i rubbed his head and scratched his chin. he purred and rubbed into my hand. the bell on his collar jingled each time he rubbed into me. i lifted him by under his arms and put him on my chest, looking into his eyes and holding his cheeks. "you don't hate me too right?" i giggled and let him go, letting him lay at the foot of my bed.

a knock at my door came and the door slowly opened. soap popped his head in the doorway and looked at me. "he woke up didn't he?" he smirked at me, walking into my room and taking a seat next to me on the bed.



i rolled my eyes and sighed. "why is he such a jerk?" i sat up, looking over to soap.

"he's just a grumpy old man." soap chuckled, looking over at me and then to otto. "hey boy." he called him over, patting his thigh. otto looked away from soap and closed his eyes, he loafed and set his head down onto the bed.

"where's könig?" i rubbed my shoulder and grunted from pressing down onto the soreness.

"he should be coming back, he went to the barracks to grab the last of his things for tomorrow." soap leaned forward and rested his arms on his knees, locking his fingers together.

"shit. we leave tomorrow?" i fell back onto the bed and let out a long loud sigh.

"unfortunately we do. and your gonna have fun with old man simon!" he teased, slightly punching my thigh. "i think you two will be fine though." he chuckled.

"if he doesn't kill me in my sleep." i rolled my eyes, sitting back up and standing up from the bed. i walked towards the door and looked out into the hallway. "it's quiet, where is everyone?"

"price is in his stench ridden office and the others are in the barracks." soap sighed, standing up and resting his hands on his hips. "i would go talk to price if i were you."

"great! fun! more conversation with people!" i sarcastically exclaimed with 'excitement' and waved my hands.

"you'll be fine, go." soap nudged my shoulder towards the door.

i walked out of my room and walked down to prices office. i hesitated before i opened the door and stepped in. "everything alright?"

"sit." price motioned to the chair infront of his desk. he scooted closer to his desk and pulled papers from the drawer. i took a seat and felt anxiety flush through my whole body.

"anything on my brother?" i couldn't sit still, my fingers crossed eachother and my leg bounced.

"yes and no. LA has moved to Columbia, and it's far too dangerous for you to go alone. i'll still have you going to LA with ghost- and soap to eliminate the cartel, and take any drugs that are being smuggled." he sighed and rested his head on his fist, looking at the papers and flipping the pages. "stressful enough- könig will be with us."

i huffed and looked away from price, looking down at my hands and fiddling my fingers. "alright."

"they'll have your six, don't worry rookie." he teased, leaning over the desk and nudging my shoulder, giving me a small smile.

wir werden sehen || könig x reader ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora