chapter twenty eight

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i woke up to shifting in the bed, i turned over to see könig peacefully sleeping. he snored lightly and furrowed his eyebrows. i smiled and slowly attempted to crawl out of bed only to be grabbed. he pulled me in and held me tightly.

"könig i have to use the bathroom." i giggled, trying to wiggle out.

he grumbled, holding me closer and burying his face in my back, spooning me. "no."

i sighed, quickly smiling. "i'll just use the bathroom here."

könig let go quickly and kneeled on the bed, rubbing his face. "go." he pointed to the bathroom and yawned.

i stretched and slid off the bed, walking towards the bathroom. i shut the door and used the bathroom.

i washed my hands and exited the bathroom, staring at könig. "get up!"

he groaned and turned on his side, grabbing more blanket. i walked over to the bed and pulled him onto his back. "wake up." i smiled, taping him on the shoulder. "hey!"
i lightly tapped his face a few times. "könig." his chest stopped moving and i began to panic.

"this isn't funny." i spoke sternly, lightly hitting königs face. "könig!" i shook him and he remained limp.

"boo!" i felt two hands grab me and shake me. i jumped and yelped, covering my face out of embarrassment.

"got you." könig smiled, sitting up and scratching his bare chest.

"jerk." i rolled my eyes, punching him in the arm. i stood up and walked to the window, looking outside before turning back to könig.

"are you mad?" könig looked at me over his shoulder.

i sucked my teeth and looked away, walking towards the door and grabbing the handle.

könig quickly grabbed me, pulling me towards him. "i'm sorry schatz (sweetheart)." könig raised my hand to his face and gently kissed it twice. "forgive me?"

i tried to not smile and rolled my eyes. "okay, i forgive you dummy."

an abrupt knock at the door came and i jumped back, twisting the knob and opening the door. soap smiled and peaked through. "price needs you könig." soap gave me a nod and stepped back.

könig groaned as he stood up and walked up to soap.

soap widened his eyes and looked up at könig. "uh you wanna put on clothes first?"

"you act like you don't walk around in your underwear." könig turned and grabbed the nearest pants and threw them on. walking out the room.

soap smiled at me and followed behind könig.

i sighed and made my way out the room, walking towards the kitchen and going outside. inhaled and walked towards the gun range.

gaz and ghost were having a conversation until i caught gaz's attention. "(y/n)! we were just talking about you weren't we?" gaz turned to ghost, nudging his arm.

ghost punched gaz in the arm and gaz grunted, grabbing his shoulder.

"saying what?" i stepped closer, resting my hand on my hip.

"ghost had something to say." gaz quickly shouted.

ghost sighed and stretched his arm. "we were talking about how i made the decision to leave you behind."


"and you made yourself vulnerable, one thing your not supposed to do. not everyone can be your superman and save you." ghost snapped, grabbing his gun out his holster and checking it out.

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