chapter twenty one

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i woke up to a abrupt banging on the door and jumped up out of my sleep, my heart pounding out of my chest i looked at the time, 4:30am.

"aye wake up! we have to leave soon, pack your shit and let's go!" ghost shouted while banging.

könig groaned and sat up, rubbing his face. he got up and walked to the bathroom without a word, opening the door and shutting it.

i sighed and got up, stretching my back and groaning. i walked over to my boots and put them on, i smelled of sweat but had no time to shower sadly. könig walked out of the bathroom and went towards his duffel bag and zipped it open. he walked over to the dresser opening it and grabbing his gear and black mask and putting it on.

"um.. goodmorning!" i quietly said to könig. he slightly turned his head and continued packing his stuff. "goodmorning, you should go pack." his voice was way deeper and his accent was stronger when he first woke up, but he sounded more upset than tired.

"oh. okay." i walked out the room and went to go pack my things in my room. i opened the door and walked over to my bag, grabbing spare clothes and combat gear. soap walked in, i turned to him and he had a smile on his face. "goodmorning! ready to leave?"

"yea." i sighed turning back and packing the last thing before zipping my bag. i grabbed my tactical belt and grabbed my hand gun, putting it in the holster.

"you seem well prepared."

"i have no choice."

"very well then.." soap hesitated. "well let's go the helicopter will be here soon." he walked out of the room, leaving the door open. his footsteps echoed down the hall.

i looked out the window, the sun barely showed, it was dark blue out. i swung the bag over my shoulder and walked out the room, shutting it.

könig walked out of his room, i barely recognized him in his mask as it covered everything but his eyes. we walked into the kitchen, with everyone seated.

könig pulled a chair out for me and sat me down. he sat next to me, sinking into the chair.

"well everyone i wish you all the best of luck here." price spoke with his mouth full. "anyone hungry?"

i shook my head and looked at könig, he remained quiet. he got up and went into the drawer and grabbed a little container filled with black face paint.

"here i'll help!" i insisted and smiled at könig.

he sighed and closed his eyes before opening them again and lifting his mask. "here."

my smile slightly faded, he sounded so upset. i grabbed the face paint from him and opened it, sliding my finger on the pain before rubbing it on his eyelids and around his eye. "there you go."

he nodded his head and pulled his mask down.

"hey it's time to go." gaz looked from the window. he walked towards the door and opened it, walking out.

everyone followed. könig walked behind me, closing the door shut and locking it. i looked up as the helicopter quickly landed on the ground.

price walked up to it and spoke to the pilot of the helicopter and shook his hand. "alright let's go!" he shouted. the helicopter lowered the ramp and price walked in, followed by everyone.

i slowly walked towards the helicopter, looking up at könig. his eyes were looking straight ahead. i looked forward and sighed.

i walked in, sitting next to soap and threw my bag down infront of me. könig sat next to me and put his bag down, kicking it aside.

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