chapter one

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i woke up to a sight of a bright light being shined into my eyes, slowly waking me up.
i open my eyes only to see a silhouette of a man standing over me.

i looked over to get my surroundings with half blurred vision, trying to hear other than ringing as both senses were taken away from me.

my head is pounding and leaking from my temple. the figure infront of me hit me with the butt of their gun.

"well goodmorning." a man with a spanish accent spoke infront of me.

"you wanna tell me where the fuck your brother is now?" the man demanded, pushing his gun into my neck.

the pain was unbearable, struggling to stay awake from my head injury. i started to feel cold, not knowing if it's from me being half naked or losing half of my blood.

"i don't know where he is!"

i managed to finally speak. bouncing my leg from the pain. i was finally fully conscious, trying to keep awake.

"you know where he is bitch." he insisted.

i finally got a look at his face, he was a tall black haired and dark eyed man. with hair long enough to touch his nose brushed back.

"get her the fuck out of my face before i kill her." he sneered, motioning the two men at the door to come take me away from his sight.

"don't fucking touch me!" i blurted, afraid of where i was going to be taken.

the men carried and dragged me towards the door until the shouting of spanish men arguing came from down the hall.

it caught their attention right before it happened.

a loud crash came behind us before they got to carry me out the doors they opened.

"puto madre (mother fucker)!" the man shouted.

the other two men then threw me on the floor. unable to move i just sat there, frozen and sobbing.

it was quiet, i was falling asleep. but in my condition i shouldn't be sleeping, i forced myself to stay awake just until someone comes to help me.

a man's voice echoed in my head as i was asleep. a figure seen carrying me out of the building. i tried to resist but i was too weak.

a man's voice echoed throughout my head, over and over.

"get her out of here, take her to hideout immediately!" he yelled.

i finally woke up again, in a room covered in  white paint and brown wood at the bottom.

i got a good look around and noticed a man in the corner of the room besides the bed, sitting in a chair with his legs up resting on the dresser.

his hair was pale blonde and long enough to touch his bottom lashes.

his eyes were grey, they were like the fog on a winding road, blurring my vision and muddling my sense of direction.

he had a huge scar going across his face, and over his nose which looked to be slightly slanted to the right, indicating it's been broken before. and one small scar on his eye brow.

i stopped myself from staring and sat up, the blanket slowly slid down me as i moved. showing my chest bandaged up.

what happened to me? i questioned myself.
covering myself back up and crying into my hands.

i felt a firm heavy hand placed on my thigh, i jumped up and seen the sight of the man leaned down to me.

"are you okay?" he spoke in a soft tone to me.

i nodded as his reassuring eyes glared at me, he had a slight smile. he rubbed my thigh and wiped my tear.

"i know your confused and scared, do you feel any pain?"

he sat on the bed, scooting closer to me. "why am i here? what's going on?"

he chuckled and gazed at me, he caught himself staring too long and shook his head.

"your brother, armin. he's gone mia for months and the cartel is looking for him. if they can't have him they'll take you."

i felt my eyes sting with tears. i couldn't do anything but cry out of fear and anger. why.. why me?

"everything will be okay. rest."

he laid me down, tucking me in. i couldn't help but stare into his smokey grey eyes, they were alluring.

he sat in the chair next to the bed infront of the night stand and let out a groan before he sank into the chair.

i closed my eyes and try to get comfortable, trying to ignore my aching head and ribs. soon before i knew it, exhaustion took over me and i was asleep.

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