chapter thirty seven

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the door swung open behind me and i jumped up, turning around and faced ghost.

"you wanna stop being a asshole and do combat training now?" he walked down the steps and walked over to the wet mat, dragging it to the other side of the grass next to the trees.

"sure, why not." i rolled my eyes and walked over to the mat, standing on top of it and waited for ghost to get in his position.

"mmh.. good." he got into stance and swung first. i quickly ducked and swung back. he blocked with his forearm and grabbed my arm, twisting it and turning me, putting my arms behind my back and bending it. i yelped out in pain and tried to squirm. "keep moving and i'll snap your fucking arm."

i grunted and leaned forward, falling down with ghost. he pulled my arm back further and i clenched my jaw tightly. "stop moving (y/n)." he pushed my arm into my back and leaned closer to my ear. "your going to learn to keep your hands to yourself."

"fuck off!" i pulled myself up until my arms extended and tried to turn on my side. he quickly pulled my back towards him and slammed me against the mat. "get off!" i pushes his leg back and watched it slip from the mat being wet. he slightly lost his grip trying to catch himself. i quickly turned and punched him in the jaw, pushing him over and rolling on top of him in the grass, wrapping my hand around his neck. i stopped myself from hitting him again and getting too serious after i noticed my grip on his neck was too tight. i loosened my grip and moved my hand away from his neck. i got off his stomach and stood up, walking back to the mat.

"good, you did good." he lifted himself off the ground and walked back to the mat and stood in front of me. "maybe i'll let you get your way."

i lunged at him and used all my force to knock him down, sadly i failed and he slammed his elbow against my back. i grunted and wrapped my foot behind his and pushed once more. i felt myself leaning forward as ghost was about to take a fall straight on his back. he hit the ground and wheezed, quickly throwing me off of him. i grabbed him by his shirt and he rolled over with me, i kicked him in his abdomen and tried to get up off of the floor. he swept me with his feet and i slammed against the ground once again.

"god damn it!" i yelled out in pain. my hands and face felt hot as i grew more pissed off, learning that this wasn't training anymore. i got off of my side and tried to get myself up, but before i could, ghost got off the ground quickly and came towards me, swinging at me. i dodged and kicked him in his shin, watching him drop to the ground on his knees. i thought fast and kicked again, hitting him in his face. ghost collapsed to the ground and didn't get back up.

"fuck.. fuck fuck!" i crawled towards him and tried my best to flip him over on his back. his mask had a huge crack going from the top all the way to the bottom. "simon!" i shook him aggressively and tried to wake him up. "shit!" i got up off of the ground and put my hands under his armpits, trying to lift and pull him towards the house. "come on you big- fucking jerk." i grunted and pulled him, barely moving him out his spot. i gave out and set him down, running towards the back door and barged into the house.

"soap! soap!" i shouted, running into the hallway and peaking around the corner. soap quickly hit the corner and looked at me.

"what's wrong?" he looked at me with worry.

"it's simon- he's outside.. fuck! no time to explain just get out here!" i turned on my heel and quickly ran outside, ramming through the door and running back to simon. "simon!" i tapped his face, hoping to wake him up.

"what the hell happened?" soap walked over to ghost, looking over him and sat on his haunches. "LT!" he snapped his fingers, tapping his chest. "you knocked him clean out!" he chuckled. "that's a new one!"

"is he okay?" i looked over to soap with worry.

"he'll be fine, don't worry. help me grab him." he lifted ghost up by his arms. "grab his legs."

i grabbed his legs as we moved towards the back door. soap put his hand behind his back and opened it, kicking it wide open. "alright, bring him to his room."

i nodded and followed soaps lead, holding up ghosts legs. "i can't hold this fat fuck anymore." i groaned, adjusting my grip on his ankles.

"you'll be fine just a few more steps." soap swung up ghosts door and set him on the bed. i moved his legs over on his bed and sighed.

"i'll call in our nurse to check him out, looks like you did a number on him." he chuckled, lifting the bottom of the balaclava on his mask. "yep, he's bleeding."

"shit. we have to leave tomorrow, would he be fine?" i watched the blood trickle down his jaw and onto his neck.

"he's a big boy." soap smirked, patting ghosts chest. "just stay here incase he wakes up, clean the blood off of him. just hope he doesn't wake up when you take his mask off."

"what?" i felt a pit in my stomach, my nerves jumped and i felt every hair on my body stand.

"i'm going to make a call, have fun!" soap walked out the door, shutting it behind him.

"fuck." i murmured to myself. i walked into his bathroom and looked for a rag. i found a rag under the sink folded neatly next to towels. i grabbed it and ran warm water over it, wringing it out and walking out the bathroom. i paused before i walked towards ghost, feeling my heart running a mile. "fuck it." i walked over to ghost and sat beside him on his bed. i lifted his mask and stopped at the bridge of his nose. his dirty blonde mustache and goatee was slightly unkept and held my breath before pulling the rest of his mask up.

his hair was dirty blonde and his eyebrows were thick. his unkept hair was loose and seemed to be swept back to avoid getting in his face when putting on the mask. a scar went from his lower cheek bone to his top lip. i studied his face a bit before dabbing the wet warm cloth onto the gash on his nose. his nose slightly twitched, making me jump back and slowly move the rag away. "please don't wake up.." i whispered to myself, dabbing the cloth onto his nose again.

his eyes slowly opened and revealed deep brown eyes. he looked up at me and into my eyes and placed his hand onto mine. he closed his eyes and exhaled. his eyes widened and he sat straight up. "what the hell are you doing?" he turned and grabbed his mask, pulling it down his face and stood up. he grabbed me by my arm and dragged me towards the door.

"i'm helping you for christ's sake!" i grabbed onto the headboard of the bed and pulled myself back, struggling to get away from him. he swung open the door and ripped my hand away from the headboard, shoving me out his room and slamming the door. i stared off into the hallway and face palmed. "fuck.." i huffed.


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