Chapter Three- Rachel

Start from the beginning

We turn right to walk past the front of the shop. I stop and take a look down the street which looks like something you'd find on the front of a Christmas card. The old cobbles are covered with glittery white snow, there's swags of lights going from each lamp post either side of the street and the main square that's at the end of the road looks like a winter wonderland covered in white.

Years ago, this town was full of people and life, businesses was booming and people came from all over the world just to see the main square at Christmas and look in the little shops along the main street. The town was known for its Christmas light turn on, they used to go all out on the decorations too. A huge blow up Santa, Elf and Snowman would sit off the centre of the main square next to the Christmas tree that anyone could come and pop a bauble on. Everywhere you went you'd be surrounded by twinkling lights, there was a meet Santa grotto with food and drink stalls dotted throughout the square. In the centre of the square there is a huge bandstand and it would be decorated to look like a gingerbread house. We used to have a live band playing most weekends on the run up to Christmas in it.

As like any good thing, those times came to an end when I was roughly 6years old. The town councillor's stopped putting as much love and attention into the decorations and the square, so, naturally people stopped coming. Not long after, they stopped with the Christmas light turn on and having a band playing every weekend. Now that I'm 27 and running my own business here, I understand why so many businesses closed during that time. The rent on the shops was increased due to the lack of tourists. I did some research as to why they was having to pay such high amounts when the council knew people was struggling but everything kept coming up blank so now we all do our best to keep things going and support each other when we can.

As we take a stroll up the street, I find myself being extremely careful as snow and Rachel Benson have a love hate relationship. The number of times I've slipped and hurt my behind is stupid. You would think we never have snow but here in Pine Brooke we have snow for nearly 4 months of the year, from November to February and I still don't know how to walk when some snow has covered the ground!

We gingerly, cross the road and I open the gate to the gated grass area so I can let Nellie off for a run around. She zooms off and after a few minutes she comes and flops at my feet as if she's ran a marathon, panting her adorable lil' head off. I crouch down and tickle behind her ears as she likes it while she catches her breath. Something from the corner of my eye catches my attention, from a lamp post on the other side of the fence, was a big sign with red and gold lettering reading;

"Santa's Reindeer's- Come and say hello!"

I stand, clip the lead to Nellie's harness and make our way through the gate where we came in We follow the arrow showing the way to the reindeers but I stop short when I see a tall man in an elf costume showing some children how to pet the deer. The elf turns to talk to an older lady bouncing on the spot with the biggest smile on her face and tears in her eyes. I walk a little further down so I can try and hear the conversation in case the lady is in trouble. Not because Im a super nosey person, obviously.

"Oh my! In my 70 years on this planet I have never seen a real reindeer," I hear the woman say. "You have made this old lady very happy! I'll tell you something, I lost my beloved bill almost 8 years ago but before he went to sleep I promised I would tick everything off our bucket list and you young man have just ticked off the last thing on there! Thank you", she says while patting the elf's arm.

I watch as they have a conversation and that's when i hear a laugh that could make panties drop on their own accord. It was deep, rich and made my panties flood with liquid heat. I find myself having to grab onto the railing to stop me from falling over. How can something so innocent as a laugh affect me this way? I think I need to get laid, ASAP, it has been a while. Shaking my head, I try to pull myself together and carry on walking past the elf and his reindeers. But as I go to pass them, my eyes catch onto the man in the elf suit and I find the most striking green eyes looking back at me.

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