Chapter Two- Rachel

Start from the beginning

Theo points his finger towards the mistletoe, whispering something to her. Tilly follows where he's pointing to, smiling. Theo grabs her around the waist, dips her low and kisses her with so much passion I have to turn away. I look into the flames of the fire with tears in my eyes and a pang of jealousy hits me right in the middle of my chest. Will I ever have that? Someone who loves me enough to kiss me like his life depends on it and make me feel like the only girl in the world?

I shake my head to clear the thoughts which are darkening my mood and turn around to the happy couple and cheer for them. They both bow as if they've just finished doing a show and we all laugh at their antics. I head over to them both and give them hugs and kisses on the cheek.

"You two seriously should get a room, that was enough for indecent exposure!" I say, laughing. Theo winks at me, while Tilly blushes, almost the same colour of the table covers. Theo tugs Tilly to his side, wrapping his arm around her waist and kisses her hair.

"Sorry, I can't resist my girl. She has the softest...." he starts.

"STOP!" I shout and put my hand up to halt him. I really don't want him to finish that sentence.

They both chuckle then spot my mum sitting by the fire and start looking sheepish. I give them a side-eye and wave Mum over..

"Ah, where's my boy?! Come here young man and give me a kiss," Mum says while pointing to her cheek. Theo wraps Mum in his arms and I can see tears in both their eyes. When Maxine died, Theo crashed at our house for the first week at Mums insistence and I know it's because they both needed something to make them feel closer to her. Maxine and my mum were best friends for almost 30 years and Mum loves Theo like he's her own.

"Hi Elise, how are you? Have you met Tilly, my girlfriend?" Theo says while ushering Tilly to his side. Mum brings her in for a hug and whispers something in her ear. I'll have to ask about what she said later as I'm a curious girl and it'll eat me alive if I don't know what Mum whispered to her. She was probably saying "marry the boy, dear" knowing her.

Even though Mum's love life never worked out, she's a hopeless romantic and believes she can see when two people are destined to be together. Which is ironic as let's just say, her radar has been totally off when it comes to me finding "the one".

Tilly looks at me smiling like the Cheshire cat and snuggles into Theo's side. We walk over to the table that Mum, and I sat at before and I ask if anyone needs anything. Everyone declines so I check the time and see that it's almost 6pm. I pop behind the counter and put on the Christmas playlist I have on my phone and set it just loud enough for people to still be able to talk over. I lean against the counter and find myself for the 100th time today, smiling, I can't wait for everyone who I love to be in the same room.


30 minutes later, the café is buzzing with activity. There are people eating the warm mince pies I've just put out, conversations of Christmas plans and laughter filling the air. As I come out of the kitchen carrying a tray of mini turkey Yorkshire puddings to place on the counter, I spot my Nana and Grandad stood under the mistletoe sharing a kiss, the sight just bursts my heart at the seams. After nearly 50 years together, they still have so much love for each other, granted they bicker but who doesn't? Especially when you've been together for so long. But when you look at them, the love in their eyes for each other can't go unnoticed. I place the tray on the counter and head over to them with a smile plastered to my face.

"Hi Nana, Hi Pops. You both look lovely!" I say when I've reached them. They pull me in for a hug and I get smothered with kisses off my Nan which makes me giggle. Shes done this since the day I can remember, some things never change, and I hope this is one of them.

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