Secrets and lies...

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Hello! I've missed all of you so much! A lot has happened since I last wrote to you, first I want to a Taylor Swift concert (yay! she was literally a meter away from me!), my basket ball practice ended and I got a fire pit! so ya a lot of stuff but mostly I started to watch Dragons Edge! I is so good and if any one of you watched it well a good example off Fishlegs  attitude is in the episode Big man on campus.... I also decided that I would make a summary of what happened since the beginning because it's been so long since I updated... Thank you have fun reading!

Last time on what if Hiccup had left

"This is it Toothless, he screamed, no going back now..."

"Hiccup couldn't have gone far load the boats we are going after him!!!" He shouted

"I'm coming with you you're not messing things up more than you already have." Gobber said on an insisting ton...

5 years later...

Hiccup got up, making his prosthetic leg creak. While he was stretching Toothless was already up sitting looking at his friend. Hiccup finally got out of bed and walked to his closet to change. Finally ready, he wore his usual black armor...

So we are off to Changewing island

I was facing a huge dragon. Well to start with huge wasn't the right word... So imagine a huge dragon then double that size and multiply it by about three and there that could give you a glimpse of what I was looking at... The dragon was white as death, its eyes were gushing red screaming for blood, suddenly I totally understood why the Changewings fled. Any way... the beast prepared to attack, Toothless at the last second, pulled up to avoid the awful scream that the dragon ejected saving his rider's life!

He needed information, he knew he had seen, somewhere a drawing of that dragon, but where, well that was the question. He needed to think...and quick!

Toothless! Let's go meet an old friend

Sorrow day was the "official" anniversary of Hiccup's departure, the day we all realized how we treated him, the day we learned how Fate could be cruel but mostly the day we all felt regret and grief for a friend we didn't have but was always there.

Taking a huge breath I then ventured down into the dark...

Since HE left, nothing was the same not even our little dragon problem!

'' kateillia It's me Hiccup!"

"You wouldn't be Hiccup if you weren't always in a hurry, now would you..." I blushed, she sigh and stepped back a little "so what do you need this time? Metal scrap, leather, a new book?"

I had to go back!

With the gang behind me I hurried to the spot where the possible night fury had fallen

Without any hesitation I jumped quietly and ran towards him raising my sword directly above his shoulder, then something incredible happened... the figure couth the blade in its gloved hand without any second guessing to then ripping it out of my hands and hitting me with the pommel!

I was standing outside the prison where we held the outblood we had captured, I still couldn't believe he defeated me, even if Fichlegs stopped him I'm positive that if he had been in a better shape he would have easily taken us all... That's why I needed to know where he came from, if he, by any chance was from one of our enemy base we were all doomed. But there was something else, something else that did not make any sense... How did he get on the middle of the island and what did I shoot down last night, what made that crater?

What if Hiccup Had leftWhere stories live. Discover now