
Mount Justice; November 11th, 16:05 EST

The thunder rumbles over the snow-covered mountain, but oddly enough the winds are calm.


Kid Flash; B-0-3

Wally appears in the Zeta Tube, wearing his red turtleneck, dark heavy-duty pants, tucked into black boots, and an open brown jacket with fur on the hood that is pulled down.

Zeta Tube Network now off-line due to extreme atmospheric conditions.

Wally walks through the empty training area,

Wally: Whoa! I just made it.

He walks into the darkened living room, though the kitchen lights are still on.

Wally: Be a tragedy if I missed my own-

The lights snap on, causing him to reel back.

Everyone: Surprise!

The entire team, Flash, and Red Tornado are all there. With a large banner 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' with presents and cakes on the coffee between the two couches. Wally massively overplays his surprise.

Wally: What?! Oh, you guys. You shouldn't have.

Mason: Right, not like you've been hinting for days or anything.

Wally kneels down in front of the coffee table, two cakes in front of him as he now wears a party hat on his head.

M'gann: We made two cakes.

Wally: Awesome! What'll you guys eat?

M'gann: We'll split the cupcake. Make a wish.

Wally: Way ahead of you.

Wally flirts before blowing out all the candles on both cakes. They all cheer and clap. Wally looks at M'gann out of the corner of his eye as she cuts the cake.

Wally: You know, if I tell you my wish, it won't come true. But if you guess...

He trails, smirking. Ignoring him, she hands him the first slice of cake.

Wally: Nope. Guess again.

Artemis turns away, narrowing her eyes. Barely avoiding glaring, Mason walks over planting a quick kiss on her lips while the team was too busy with Wally.

Mason: Hey remember our deal.

Artemis: I know... but he's so-

Mason: Wally? Relax love.

Artemis: So when are we gonna tell them about us?

Mason: Let's give em till New Year's Eve. I wanna see Wally and Robin's face when it strikes midnight. Plus their faces when I win the bet.

Artemis: Which is?

Mason: Which one of the big 5 could get a girlfriend first. And it seems like I already got the best girlfriend ever... even though we've been dating for a day.

Artemis chuckles leaning on his shoulder smiling. Meanwhile M'gann gives Wally a kiss on the hairline.

M'gann: Happy birthday.

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