23| the one with the prom video

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the one with the prom video

Audrey sat in the living room alongside Phoebe and Chandler. They had convinced her to play a game of card with them, a game she didn't happen to be very good at, so, she was easily getting frustrated.

"Hello?" Ross sharply answered the phone once it rang. "Nope, Rachel's not here right now. Can I take a message?" He started to 'write down' what the person on the other side of the phone was telling him. "And how do we spell Casey? Is it like 'At the Bat' or 'And the Sunshine Band'? Okay, alright, bye." Ross ripped the piece of paper out of his notebook and walked over to his friends. "Hey, who's this, uh, this Casey?"

"Oh, some guy she met at the movies." Audrey told him without sparing him a glance, groaning loudly when Chandler showed her his cards. "Dick."

"Oh, really, what does he want with her?" Ross questioned, attaching the note under a magnet on the fridge.

"Well, I'm guessing he wants to do a little dance." Chandler grinned. "You know, make a little love, and.. well, pretty much get down tonight."

Ross nodded his head at Chandlers words, taking a second before ripping the note off of the fridge and putting it into the cupboard just above.

"I don't know, I don't get it. I meant two months ago, Rachel and I were this close, right? Now, what? I'm taking messages from guys she.. she meets at the movies?" Ross exclaimed. "I mean this Casey should be taking down my messages, you know? Or, or.. Rachel and I should be together and we should get.. some kind of message service."

"Hang in there, it's gonna happen." Phoebe reassured him.

"Okay, and, now how do you know that?" Ross asked her.

"Because she's your lobster." Phoebe scoffed as though it was obvious.

"Oh, she's going somewhere." Chandler nodded.

"Come on, you guys. It's a know fact that lobsters fall in love and mate for life." Phoebe told them. "You know what? You can actually see old lobster couples walking around their tank, you know, holding claws, like.." She held her fingers together and imitated somewhat of two lobsters holding claws as they walked.

The three friends just looked at each other with bewilderment at Phoebes 'facts' that she was providing them, thankfully, they didnt have to reply because Monica just came out of the bathroom from having her showers.

"Hey, you feeling better?" Audrey got up from her seat and headed towards Monica, rubbing her arm.

"Yeah, I think the fifth shower actually got the interview off of me." Monica nodded.

"So, do you have any other possibilities?" Phoebe questioned.

"Yeah, well, there is the possibility that I won't make rent." Monica exclaimed.

"Monica, if you want, I can lend you some money." Ross suggested.

"No, no, cause if I couldn't pay you back right away, then I'd feel guilty and tense everytime that I saw you." Monica shook her head.

"Oh, okay, then why not borrow it from mom and dad? You feel guilty and tense around them already." Ross told her. "You might as well make some money off of them."

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