13. the one with the birth

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the one with the birth

Audrey had been sat at the apartment baking some brownies. She was trying to get better at cooking and who else's approval would be better than Monica's.

She was expecting Monica to be home any moment but in replace she had gotten a call from her. What she wasn't expecting was her to tell her that Carol had gone into labour and that's when Audrey sped to the hospital.

The brunette rushed into the waiting room to see Ross freaking out which was expected.

"I'm sure everything's fine. Has her water broken yet?" Monica asked her brother.

"I don't know, but when I spoke to her she said she's already passed the mucus plug." Ross said.

"Wait, she isn't here yet?" Audrey rushed out and Ross started to vigorously shake his head.

Joey started to gag at the previous words Ross had said. "Do we have to know about that?"

"Joey, what are you gonna do when you have a baby?" Monica asked him.

"I'm gonna be in the waiting room, handing out  cigars." He told her.

"Yes, Joey's made arrangements to have his baby in a movie from the '50s." Chandler joked.

Ross rushed back into the room after trying to find Carol. "I don't believe this! I mean, she could be giving birth in the cab."

"Oh, Ross, relax, it's probably like two dollars for the first contraction and then fifty cents for each additional contact.." Rachel started to laugh but stopped when she saw everyone's face. "What, it's okay when Chandler does it?"

"You have to pick your moments." Chandler smirked.

"And he does it all the time so we're basically used to his commentary." Audrey added.

"Hi. Did I miss it? Did I miss it?" Phoebe ran in.

"No, she's not even here yet." Ross told her.

"What's with the guitar?" Audrey asked.

"Well, I just thought we might be here for a while so you know, things might get musical." Phoebe said.

At that moment, Carol was wheeled into the waiting room by a doctor with Susan by her side.

"Oh, my god! Where the hell have you been?" Ross ran over.

"We stopped at the gift shop." Susan smiled.

"The gift.. why?"

"I was looking at stuffed animals and Susan wanted a chunky." Carol told him.

"Oh, yeah, Susan wanted a chunky." Ross nodded. "You're having a baby! Okay? A baby. You don't stop for chunkies!"

"I used to have that bumper stickers." Chandler pointed out just as Ross closed the door to the room Carol was going to give birth in. He turned to everyone else. "You see what I mean?"

Joey started to nod at his best friend with a small smile as he nudged Audrey in her side.


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