7. the one with the blackout

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>the one with the blackout<

"Everybody? Shh, shh." Rachel spoke into the microphone that stood on the stage of central perk. "Central perk is proud to present the music of Miss Phoebe Buffay!"

The group of friends applauded for Phoebe as she made her way onto the stage and set her guitar between her hands.

"Hi. I want to start with a song that's about that moment when you suddenly realise what life is really all about." Phoebe told the crowd of people and a few happily smiled.

Phoebe strum a few strings of her guitar and was ready to let sound flow from her mouth but before she could, the lights went out and it was pitch black.

"Okay. Thank you very much."


"Wow, this is so cool." Rachel said as she looked outside the window of the apartment. "The entire city is blacked out."

"Mom says it's all of Manhattan, parts of Brooklyn and queens, and they have no idea when it's coming back on." Monica held the phone away from her ear to tell them.

"Wow. You guys, this is big." Rachel told them as she went to light a few candles with Audrey.

"Pants and a sweater? Why, mom?" Monica rose her voice as she spoke into the phone. "Who am I going to meet in a blackout— power company guys? Eligible looters? Can we talk about this later? Okay."

"Can I borrow the phone?" Phoebe asked once Monica put it back in place. "I want to call my apartment and check on my grandma."

"Sure." Audrey smiled.

"Wait. What's my number?" Phoebe asked the brunette beside her and she gave her a blank look. "Well, I never call me."

Joey walked into the apartment slowly with around seven candles attached to a candle holder, making sure he wouldn't drop them.. "Hi, everyone."

"And officiating at tonight's blackout is Rabbi Tribbiani." Ross raised his arm in a way to present Joey as he set the candles down.

"Well, chandlers old roommate was Jewish, and these are our only candles we have. So, happy Hanukkah, everyone." Joey smiled.

"Ew, look. Ugly naked guy lit a bunch of candles." Phoebe grimaced and the group came over to take a look.

"That is disgusting." Audrey shuddered, the group agreeing with her and turning away.

The phone rang and Audrey quickly went over to pick it up. "Hello."

"Hey, it's me." Chandler spoke into the phone.

"It's Chandler." Audrey told the group that was with her and they all focused there attention on her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Chandler paused. "I'm stuck in an A.T.M vestibule with Jill Goodacre." Chandler mumbled into the phone.

"What?" Audrey asked, not understanding a word.

"I'm stuck in an A.T.M vestibule with Jill Goodacre." He repeated.

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