6. the one with the butt

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—>the one with the butt<—

Audrey was sat beside Chandler and Phoebe in a small theatre and held a play book in her hand.

"Look, there's Joeys picture. This is so exciting." Rachel gleamed and showed them.

"You can always spot someone who's never seen one of his plays before." Chandler pointed out. "No fear, no sense of impending doom."

"The exclamation point in the title scares me. You know it's not just Freud it's, Freud!" Phoebe exclaimed.

"It can't be that bad can it?" Audrey asked as she read through the description of the play, it sounded decent.

"Watching a puppy perish would be more pleasurable than this." Chandler whispered to her.

"Chandler, that was deep." Audrey told him and give him an unsure look, he seemed to be serious.

"Shh. The magic is about to happen." Ross told them as the lights dimmed.

"Well, Eva. We've done some excellent work here." A voice spoke in a German accent. "And I would have to say your problem is quite clear."

In that moment, music began to play and a voice started to sing and Audrey couldn't believe that behind that voice was Joey.

"All you want is a dimple. What you envy's a Schwang." Joey sang and Audrey looked to the groups horrified faces, though Chandler had a smirk on his face.

"A think through which you can twinkle." He started to dance around in his spot. "Or play with or simply let hang."

"I should never have moved to New York." Audrey said to herself.


Most of the people in the room had left and there was now only up to ten people in the audience.

The six friends stood and cheered for Joey and the cast as they all bowed until they had walked off of the stage and into the back.

Once they had gone from there sights they all groaned together and sat down.

"I feel violated." Rachel said.

"Was I the only one who wanted to peel the skin off of there body, to have something else to do?" Monica asked.

"Ross, 10:00." Chandler told his friend beside him as he stared at someone across the room.

"Is it? Feels like 2:00." Ross told him.

"No, 10:00."

"What?" Ross asked.

"There's a beautiful woman at 8:00, 9:00, 10:00." Chandler sighed and used his arm to direct a clock.

"Hello." Ross smirked.

"She's amazing. She makes the women I dream about look like short, fat, bald men." Chandler told the group and Audrey rolled her eyes.

"Keep it in your pants." She mumbled and pulled out her mirror to reapply her lipstick.

"Well, over to her. She's not with anyone." Monica told him.

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