14. the one where rachel finds out

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the one where rachel finds out

The group were in the same place they always were, central perk. Yet this time they were doing something completely different.

They were looking at the new addition that had just soon came into the world, Ross' son, Ben. He was showing them all of the pictures that had been taken of the newborn so far.

"Look at Aunt Monica's little boy." Monica cooed as she showed Audrey the picture.

"Look, HES got Ross' haircut." Phoebe grinned.

"Oh, let me see." Rachel exclaimed and leaned over Ross to look at the picture. "Oh, god, is he just the sweetest thing. You must just want to kiss him all over."

Audrey watched as Ross locked his eyes on Rachel as she spoke. His glistening eyes showed the love he truly held for the woman in front of him, yet she was too oblivious to see it.

He stared at each and every crescive of her face, the way her lips moved into a smile and the way her eyes would narrow as she concentrated on something.

"That would be nice." Ross muttered.

Audrey looked to the right of her once she felt someone nudge her side with their leg. She looked up to see Chandler staring at her with a small smile on his face.

He nodded his head towards Ross in a mocking tone, obviously making fun of his friend for the feelings he had for Rachel.

Audrey smiled back at him and shook her head with a small laugh before looking back over at the couple but turned back to Chandler once she heard him let out a scoff.

"Pardon?" Rachel looked up at the man.

"Oh, nothing. Just a little extra air in my mouth." Chandler told her and started to puff of a constant flow of air.

He stood up from his seat to go and order a coffee but stopped on his way when Joey called him over.

"Hey, Chan. Can you help me out here? I promise I'll pay you back." Joey assured him.

"Oh, yeah, all right. Okay. Including the waffles last week you now owe me... seventeen jillion dollars." Chandler exclaimed.

"I will, really. I'll pay you back this time."

"And where's this money coming from?" Chandler asked as he pulled out his wallet and handed him some money to pay his check.

"I'm helping out down at the N.Y.U med school with some research." Joey told him.

"What kind of research?" Ross called out.

"Just, you know, science." Joey shrugged.

"Just, you know, science seems a bit suspicious if you're asking me." Audrey told him.

"Science." Ross nodded. "Yeah, I think I've heard of that."

"It's a fertility study." Joey sighed once he saw everyone's mouths drop open.

"Joey. Please tell me you're only donating your time." Monica giggled.

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