16. the one with the jealous bestfriend

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the one with the jealous bestfriend

Audrey watched Monica race out of her room with a small gift bag in her hand, stretching it out towards Susan as she played with Ben in her arms.

The group were giving them presents in celebration for the new addition into the world, Audrey still couldn't believe that Ross had a child when he was still one himself.

Audrey had gotten him a small pair of dinosaur pyjamas that made Ross overly excited as soon as he saw them. She knew that getting them would make Ross more happy than Ben so it was basically a present for the both of them.

"Okay, these were unbelievably expensive and I know he's going to grow out of them in, like, twenty minutes, but I couldn't resist!" Monica beamed as she held up a pair of Nike trainers.

Everyone started to awe at the trainers and even Phoebe got up from her set and took them from Monica, making her way towards Ben.

"Hey, Ben, just do it." Phoebe joked and as soon as she did Ben started to cry. "Oh, my god. Okay, was that too much pressure for him?"

"Wow, is he hungry already?" Susan asked, pulling a pillow out from behind her back to let Ben rest his head on it.

"I guess so." Carol started to pull her top away, getting ready to breastfeed Ben.

"You know, it's.." Chandler paused at his sentence when he looked to his right and saw Carol breastfeeding and he immediately stood up and made his way into the kitchen. "Something funny about sneakers, I'll be right back."

Once Joey caught sight of what Chandler was looking at he stood up fast and started to stammer. "Uh.. uh.. uh.. I got to get one too."

Ross sighed heavily before making his way over to the men that had just made their way into the kitchen in hopes of getting away.

"Guys are so weird." Audrey laughed as she turned her head from Ben to the other women in the room.

"You can say that again, I don't get it, it's just the natural way of life." Monica shrugged.

"Carol?" Chandler hesitantly called out, standing in the middle of Ross and Joey, Ross putting his arm around Chandler. "I was just wondering if Joey could ask you a question about breastfeeding."

Audrey snorted slightly when she saw the nervous state of the man stood in front of her, his hands in his pockets and his lack of eye contact proving he was uncomfortable.

Joey looked at Chandler with disbelief at the fact he just threw him under the bus.

"Sure." Carol looked up for a moment and shrugged without a care.

"Uh.. does it hurt?" Joey asked.

"Oh, it did at first, but not anymore." Carol responded, causing Joey to smile and nod his head.


"So, uh.. how often can you do it?" He asked, looking down to his feet that we're moving back and forth across the carpet.

"As much as he needs." Carol laughed slightly.

"Oh, oh, okay, I got one. I got one." Joey tapped Chandler. "Uh.. if he blows into one does the other one get bigger?"

Morality - Chandler Bing Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora