20| the one with five steaks and an eggplant

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the one with five steaks and an eggplant

"Hey, everybody, say hi to Julie in Mexico." Ross called out to his friends from his place in the kitchen. Audrey looked over to Rachel, noticing her roll her eyes when everyone did as he said.

"Hi, Julie." Rachel sarcastically mumbled. Joey looked up from the mustard he was putting onto his sandwich and looked at her confused, to which Rachel just shrugged and started flicking through her magazine again.

"While Ross is on the phone, everyone owes me sixty-two bucks for his birthday." Chandler whispered to the rest of his friends so Ross wouldn't hear.

"Is there any chance that you're rounding up?" Phoebe exclaimed, matching the shocked looks of Rachel and Joey. "You know, like from, like, 20?"

"Hey, come on, we got the gift, the concert and the cake." Chandler explained to them.

"Do we need a cake?" Joey responded.

"Of course we need a cake, everyone has to have a cake on their birthday." Audrey shook her head in disbelief at her friends, she understood it was a lot of money but it was their best friend's birthday.

"Look, guys, I know it's a little steep." Chandler told them.

"Yeah, whoosh!" Rachel re-enacted a wavy line, showing him how crazy the amount of money he was asking for was.

"But it's Ross." Chandler exclaimed.

"Yeah." Joey nodded along with Rachel and Phoebe, realising that it is their friend.

"All right, I'll see you guys later. I've gotta go.. do a thing." Chandler exclaimed happily as he jumped up from his seat. Audrey looked over at him, confused at what he was going to do.

"Where are you going?" Audrey spoke up, stopping him in his tracks. The man turned around to looked at Audrey with a guilty look on his face.

It turns out Chandler was going to meet a girl that had called his place earlier that week, looking for someone who didn't live there. He did feel guilty about it because him and Audrey admitted that they liked each other, but this wasn't high school, they didn't exactly agree on anything.

Whereas for Audrey, she thought her and Chandler were progressing and were just seeing each other without the label, but she must have been wrong.

"He's going to see this woman that called up his apartment looking for some guy called Bobby." Joey answered for him. Chandler was the only one to see Audrey's face fall.

"Oh, great." Audrey nodded, turning around and looking back over to the tv. "Have fun."

"Aud-" Chandler tried to get her attention but she decided to start up a conversation with the three sat in front of her, ignoring him.

Chandler felt immediately guilty, he could see the hurt in her face as soon as Joey told her, which he was going to kill him for. There was nothing he could do now other than just leave.

"So, uh, what are you guys doing for dinner tonight?" Rachel asked after they watched Chandler leave with Ross trailing after him.

"Well, I guess I got to start saving up for Ross' birthday. So I guess I'll just stay home and eat dust bunnies." Joey nodded.

"Can you believe how much this is gonna cost?" Phoebe exclaimed.

"Do you guys ever get the feeling that, um, Chandler and those just don't get that we don't make as much money as they do?" Rachel brought up the question. "Aud, you're on our side because you're a teacher, you don't make that much either."

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