Chapter Thirty Four

Start from the beginning

" human could live like this, Cassandra," Ariel said softly as she looked around. "This...this is cruel. Eric and I would have never allowed this to be this way..."

Cassandra sighed. "We get come on, you've been on the Isle long enough that it won't look weird if you go back to your car. You should go before Ursula gets word you're here."

"I need to talk to Uncle Hades though," Ariel told her. "I...I don't know if you're aware but the weather in's not the usual spring time weather Cassandra. Aunt Persephone and Lady Demeter have refused audiences with anyone but themselves. I know Uncle Hades has a portal that Aunt Persephone can use to contact him and surely Aunt Persephone wouldn't refused to contact her husband. If anyone outside of Olympus would know if anything was wrong, it would be Uncle Hades. I know it's a risk, my coming here, but I need to know what's going on in my kingdom."

Plus I figure Uncle Hades might not want me talking about his daughter in public like this. I remember how protective my father was and we lived in a perfectly safe kingdom not an island of villains, Ariel thought.

"Do you know where the Underworld is?" Hercules asked Cassandra.

"I do...though I won't lie, it's disconcerting hearing you ask that," Cassandra told him.

"We'll explain later Cassandra, can you take us there?" Ariel said. "Please Cassandra?"

Cassandra shook her head. "This so goes against my better judgement your highness but...follow me. And for the love of all that is bad and rotten on the Isle, put this on. You stick out like a sore thumb otherwise."

Ariel nodded and put on the cloak Cassandra had given her, making sure that all of her bright red hair was covered by the hood.

"The thing is, I don't know how you're going to get in," Cassandra muttered as she led them along. "It's always locked from the outside."

"I'm sure Uncle Hades is keeping an eye on the gate, and he'll wonder why I'm here. And if he's not, then I'll try knocking. I'll have Hercules punch in the gate if need be, I need to talk to my uncle."

"Cass?" A little voice called after them, preventing Cassandra from responding.

"Oh! Ginny!" Cassandra called back, hurrying over to the little girl and scooping her up so the dark haired toddler was in her arms.

"Where are you going?" Ginny asked as they made their way back to Ariel and Hercules. "Can I come too?"

"Yes, you can come too. I don't let you out of my sight, remember?" Cassandra said.

"Who's she? And him?" Ginny asked, pointing to Ariel and Hercules.

"She's...she's someone who wants to talk to Lord Hades, and he's her guard," Cassandra told her.

Hercules couldn't help but give Ariel a curious look, and Ariel had to admit she found herself wondering who the little girl was as well.

"She's my little sister," Cassandra said, noticing the looks.

"She looks just like you," Ariel said, her voice a near whisper as she nodded. "But...why isn't she with your mother?"

Cassandra's eyes flashed slightly before she shook her head. "I'm the one raising her."

"Oh...I'm so sorry," Ariel said. "I lost my mother too so if you...if you ever need to talk..."

Cassandra nodded, opting not to mention the fact that Gothel was very much still alive but that Cassandra just didn't speak to her or trust her around Ginny. That was a scab that didn't need to be picked at just yet, especially out in the open as they were. The whole reason why she was on the isle was because she didn't trust Gothel.

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