"Still. That was probably a bit too much, looking back on it."

"It's okay." I mumbled. "Don't worry about it. Besides, I didn't try to stop you, did I? I think we're at a point where I won't hesitate to say no if I really don't like something like that."

"If you say so. I love you, baby. And I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He mumbled, before he gave me a kiss on the cheek again. Earning a pout from me, and a little nuzzle to try and get a proper kiss.

"I love you too, but can't you kiss me right?" I complained with a pouty lip.

He chuckled at me but obliged, giving me a kiss on the lips. Followed by the door slamming, making Jeongin and I both jump and look over, just as Jisung rolled his eyes.

"That happens pretty often." Jeongin whispered to me, before he let go of me to go to Jisung. "Baby, what happened this time?"

"He's frustrated because I'm being too distracting for him again." Jisung said, quirking his eyebrow amusedly before he huffed and straddled his chair again, resting his chin on the back of it.

"Okay. I'll go talk to him." Jeongin mumbled with a sigh. "Stay here."


Jeongin left the room to go after Seungmin, leaving Jisung and I on our own. He sent me a little smile, before he beckoned me over.

I purred and obediently went to my mate, kissing him as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hi baby." He purred back. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

I gave him a little nod, taking another kiss from him. He smiled and pulled me in closer, before he got up from his chair. His hands lightly rubbed over my hips as he smirked a little at me, while I innocently purred and smiled at him.

"How do you feel, mama?" He asked as one of his hands gently ran over to my belly.

"I'm horny as per usual. But otherwise, I'm good."

He chuckled at my honesty, before he leaned down to kiss me. "Yeah? Well, since Seungmin is throwing a fit and we have some time, do you want to take care of that, baby?"


"Why not? This floor is exclusively used for Jeongin's business, and we're the only ones that come in this room. Any others working in the business don't come here. They're generally management so they don't have to." He mumbled as his hands started to gently rub circles over my hips. "The only camera in here is Seungmin's, too. The door locks, and..." His eyes drifted over to a bunch of set pieces that weren't being used at the moment. "There's plenty of things you can lay on while I please you."

"You..." I blushed a little as my eyes went over to the set pieces too. "No..." I mumbled. "This doesn't feel like a comfortable place to mate..."

"Yeah?" He mumbled. "Can we make an appointment to do it at home, then? We've been together for over five months now and we've still never mated all the way together. And that's been kind of bothering me lately."

True, it's been a while since we've become mates and I still haven't gone all the way with him, have I...?


Suddenly, Jisung looked like a hell of a snack.

I glanced up at him quietly, eyeing him for a few moments, before I moved in to kiss him. Tame at first, before I wrapped my arms around his neck and bit his lip.

"Change your mind?" He asked with a little smile as I moved to kiss at his neck next.

"Yes." I mumbled under my breath. "But I get to be bottom."

I'm Not Poly | Felix X Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now