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I have no idea about romance, because I'm single. If the romance is not enough forgive me. I'll try my best.


After reading the letter they just froze on their spot because of shock

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After reading the letter they just froze on their spot because of shock.

There was a pin-drop silent in the studio after they found what was written in the letter. Both MC's faces look like they see a ghost. This makes Taehyung to laugh soundly. This caused MCs to come back to the world from shock.

"Don't laugh Taetae... "

"Did they arrange a blind date for you?"

Both MCs asked Taehyung.

"Sorry Noona I can't control it after seeing your reaction "

"Yes, hyung. They arranged a blind date for me."Taehyung replied to both.

"So what you decide?" Hyun Moo asked not out from the shock.

"You'll find it in the video " Taehyung said giving a naughty smile.

"You became meanie like your employees Taetae " Sook whined.

"Stop wasting your time Sook, let's watch the video "Hyun Moo said playing the video.

"I can't believe they did this. I will kick their ass when I meet them" Eunwoo said in an angry tone.

"Leave it now Hyungie. First focus on the current situation. What are we going to do? "Taehyung asked nervously.

"I'm going to leave this matter in your hand bear. You're the one who decides on this matter. Even though they did it without my permission, they did it with good intentions. They just want you to live happily. They love you so much tae, so they select a good boy for you. It's your choice to give it a try or not" Eunwoo said giving a tight hug to Taehyung who needed it.

Taehyung hugged Hyung tightly placing his face in his hyung chest and started to think deeply about the current situation. He was a little bit nervous because it was so sudden. He didn't expect his employees to arrange blind dates for him in the name of a show. He knows they select a good boy for him. But he had never been in a relationship before so he was nervous. He also wanted to live a normal life with his loved one. So he decided to give it a go and decide on others lately. He slowly released from the hug and looked at his hyung with a small smile. His hyung understands his decision and gives him a kiss on his forehead showing him that he loves him and always be with him to Taehyung.

"Are sure about your decision bear? If not tell me truly, I'll deal with them for you." Eunwoo asked Taehyung slightly patting his head lovingly.

"I'm sure about my decision Hyungie. I want to give it a try." Taehyung replied Frimley.

"Okay. Then let's go inside " Eunwoo said taking his hand in his.

"Hyungie wait.." Taehyung stopped him.

"What happened bear? Do you want to give it a thought " Eunwoo asked confusingly.

"No hyung... it's... its..."

"What happened bear? Why are you hesitating? " Eunwoo asked.

"It's... it's... Hyungie am I looking good? " Taehyung asked with a small blush.

"Ooh... My baer wants to impress his boyfriend? " Eunwoo asked teasing Taehyung.

"Don't tease me Hyungie. Tell me -na. I don't want to look bad as we meeting for the first time " Taehyung said whining in a small voice and looked down.

Eunwoo looked at Taehyung who looked down at the floor took his face between his hands and said " You're looking so cute bear, so don't work your small brain for more. Let's go inside and meet my brother in law " causing Taehyung to blush more. Eunwoo takes Taehyung's hand and walks inside the cafe.

After entering one waiter came to them and took them to the rooftop of the cafe, because their blind date was planned. Upon reaching there Taehyung feel more nervous. Feeling his nervous Eunwoo tight his grip on Taehyung hand like he's there for him, this makes Taehyung relax a bit. Then Eunwoo left Taehyung hand and told him to go inside making Taehyung look at him confusingly. Eunwoo smiles at his innocent baby and tells him

"Bear It's not like a business meeting that I'll be with you. you're going on a date so you need to go alone. So go fast, don't let your boyfriend wait for you more." Eunwoo said teasingly causing Taehyung to blush more.

"Go bear. I'll be waiting for you here "Eunwoo said making him go there.

After entering the rooftop Taehyung starts to look around. The place was decorated beautifully and lovingly. His employees have done a good job in decorating this place.

Taehyung sees one man standing near the end of the rooftop

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Taehyung sees one man standing near the end of the rooftop. He was watching the sky while waiting for Taehyung. Taehyung starts to walk toward him, his heart starts to beat rapidly. Look like others didn't notice Taehyung's presence. After reaching near him Taehyung calls others in his sweet voice.

"Anneonghaseyo... I'm Kim Taehyung...I'm here to meet you " Taehyung said causing the other male to turn around.

Taehyung was shocked to see the man's face who turned around and introduced himself.

"Hello, Taehyung... I'm Jeon Jungkook... it's nice to meet you" Jungkook said giving his hand for a handshake without knowing our Taetae was out of the world.

It's not his fault who thought him to go on a date with the great JEON JUNGKOOK member of the biggest boy band in the world and the most eligible bachelor in Korea.

To be continued...

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*pics credits to the rightful owner *


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