Kryptarium Prison

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Aaron, Viral and Ninja quickly walked towards a building which they hoped some elemental masters were in. When they entered, they were not disappointed, many elemental masters stood in the building as they entered. "Who do we have here?" Shade asked as he and Skylar walked towards Aaron, Viral and Ninja. "We need your help," Aaron said as Shade and Skylar stood in front of them. "What, help defeating Garmadon?" Skylar asked. "Yeah," Viral said. "Why can't the ninja defeat him?" Shade asked. "Because he has not just an army, but a weapon created by the First Spinjitzu Master," Ninja said. "What weapon?" Shade asked. "The Blade of Power," Aaron said. "Okay, I'll help, does anyone else want to help?" Skylar asked. "I'll help," Neuro said as he walked towards Skylar, Shade, Aaron, Viral and Ninja. "Okay, we need to head to wherever Garmadon is to help the other ninja," Ninja said. "How will we know where to go?" Neuro asked. "You're the master of the mind right?" Aaron asked Neuro. "Yeah?" Neuro said. "Well then, read my mind and you'll know where to go," Aaron said. Aaron, Viral and Ninja turned around and walked out of the building, Skylar and Neuro followed behind them and they were all on the streets seconds later.

A few hundred miles away at Kryptarium Prison, Wu, Pixel, Helena and Zoey walked through the prison with Warden Noble leading their way. "So, what have you guys come for? A nice tour? A visit?" Warden Noble asked happily. "No, I'm afraid we are here for something else, something you may not approve of..." Wu said. "What is it?" Warden Noble asked suspiciously. "We need you to let us take some inmates for a special Ninjago mission..." Pixel said. "Oh, depends who you need I suppose," Warden Noble said. "Whoever is up to the job," Zoey said. "Well, let us go and see who's up for it," Warden Noble said nervously. They then walked into the area where the prisoners were. Hundreds if not thousands of criminals stood in hundreds of cells. Fear was obvious on everyone's faces except Wu's as the five of them began to ask criminals for help. "Hello," Pixel said to Ronin and Pythor as they sat in a double cell which they shared. "What do you want?" Ronin asked. "Would you like to be offered a bounty?" Pixel asked. "What kind of bounty?" Pythor asked. "One that if successfully finished, could save Ninjago," Pixel said. "Are you talking about Garmadon?" Ronin asked. "I wish that I wasn't," Pixel said. "I can't promise anything," Pythor said. "Well I can, I'll help, but what's in it for me?" Ronin asked. "We'll get you out of here," Pixel said. "Don't make promises... that you can't keep," Pythor said. "I don't make promises that I can't keep," Pixel said as she turned to the side and began to walk to another cell. She quickly arrived at Ultraviolet's and Kilo's cell. "What do you want?" Ultraviolet asked. "Do you want to help defeat Garmadon?" Pixel asked. "Garmadon? He's still alive?" Ultraviolet asked. "It seems so," Pixel said. "I'm not helping defeat him, we resurrected him, don't you remember?" Kilo asked. "Okay, I'll go and ask someone else," Pixel said as she turned around and walked to the center of the prison. Wu, Helena, Zoey and Warden Noble were waiting for her. "Who did you ask?" Helena asked Pixel. "Ronin, Pythor, Ultraviolet and Kilo, how about you?" Pixel asked. "Some skulkin and a couple of rogue nindroids," Helena said. "Did any of them say yes?" Warden Noble asked Helena and Pixel. "Ronin did," Pixel said. "One of the nindroids did as well," Helena said. "Wu, Zoey, did you guys ask anyone?" Warden Noble asked. "Fugi-Dove wants to help, and so does Clouse," Wu said. "Flintlocke and some hypnobrai want to help as well," Zoey said. "By any chance, would this hypnobrai like saying... revenge?" Wu asked. "I'm afraid so..." Zoey said. "I can't trust her, not again," Wu said. "You may have no other choice, whilst wielding her staff, she could potentially be a good ally," Warden Noble said. "I just hope that Benjamin, Aaron, Kirb, Evan, Viral and Ninja have found some allies for us, and Nya of course," Zoey said. "I'm sure Kirb, Evan and Benjamin are asking Nya for help as we speak," Wu said reassuringly. "So, who are we going to allow to help?" Helena asked. "Let's ask some more people before we make some decisions," Pixel said as she turned towards some more cells and began to walk to them.

Meanwhile, at the docks, Kirb, Evan and I watched as Nya splashed out of the water in a watery yet humanoid form, similarly to Dean. "What is the problem?" Nya asked. "Garmadon is back, and we need your help," I said. "Well I'm afraid that I can't be of much help as of now," Nya said. "Why don't I absorb your powers? So that you can temporarily come and help," I suggested as Kirb and Evan stopped using their powers and jumped backwards before jumping to their feet to stand beside me. "But then I'll be useless," Nya said. "Can you... isolate her powers to a certain part of her so that she can be mostly human but still have her elemental powers?" Kirb asked. "Or why don't we get the Blade of Power so that we can just completely steal her powers?" Evan asked. "When did we tell you that it could steal people's abilities?" I asked. "Kai told us while you were unconscious," Kirb said. "Oh okay," I said. "So what are you going to do?" Nya asked. "I'll just try and see if I can isolate your abilities to one part of you," I said as I put my hands up in front of me and closed my eyes to focus on one thought, the thought of isolating her abilities into her left arm. Kirb and Evan gasped as I felt her power move from her whole body just into her left arm. Suddenly, I opened my eyes and Nya dropped into the ocean. Not thinking, I quickly ran towards her to dive into the ocean to save her. Kirb and Evan stood and watched in fear as I dived into the ocean and disappeared. The water went silent and suspense began to build, suddenly, a huge splash happened and Nya and I jumped out of the water and towards Kirb and Evan. We landed in front of them and rested for a second. "Did it work?" Nya asked. "Yep," Evan said as he lent her a hand to help her up. She immediately tried to grab his hand with her left arm but it didn't work as her left arm was water. So, once she realised that her arm was still water, she grabbed his hand with her right arm and got to her feet. "That's going to take some getting used too," Nya said as she got to her feet. "So are you ready?" I asked. "Yeah," she said as we all turned to look towards the city and we all gulped as we prepared for war...

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