The Docks

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We continued to fly close to The Wailing Alps in Kai's jet. It didn't take much longer for us to arrive. As soon as we did we landed at the bottom of the mountain and hopped out of the jet. I can't say I was excited to climb the mountain because I knew we would be doing it for a long while but I shrugged the urge to run away and got into my climbing gear. "So you guys climbed this mountain?" Aaron asked. "Yes, we climbed it first using mechs and then on foot," Cole said. "And we barely have either," I said snarkily. "We can do this, when we're all ready that is," Lloyd said. "Yeah," Kai said. "By the way, we can't use our elemental powers here." Lloyd said. "Okay, are we all ready?" I asked. "Give us a second," Kai said as he pulled up his climbing gear around him and got ready to climb up the mountain. "How long will it take?" Aaron asked. "I hope only like 5 - 7 chapters but how would I know!" I said. "Chapters?" Aaron asked. "Right! Sorry I meant hours," I said. "Are you ready?" Kai asked. "I think we all are... are you Cole?" Lloyd asked. Cole nodded and we began to climb up the mountain.

"How long did it take you the first time?" Aaron asked as we began our climb. "Less than a day," Cole said. "A day? Less than a day? You must be really good climbers." I said happily. "I am, I've climbed a lot of mountains," Cole said. "I bet," I said as I looked at the confidence in Cole's posture. "I'm not great at it," Kai said. "And Morro possessed me, so I don't remember it," Lloyd said. "Let's split up and find different ways to get up the mountain, let's see how we can get up first," I said with a smile. "Surprisingly that is actually a good idea but unless Lloyd agrees we'll stick together," Kai said. "Don't worry we can do it if you want, Ben, you and Aaron can go around the right side of the mountain while Kai, Cole and I go up the left side," Lloyd said with a smile. "Good luck you guys," Cole said with a salute as Aaron and I walked to the right side of the mountain. We watched as Kai, Cole and Lloyd walked to the left side before we ran straight up a small hill at the bottom of the mountain.

Back in Ninjago City, Jay, Pixel and Zane had just gotten some cool detective outfits and were ready for the mystery that they had to solve. "Hey so where do we investigate first?" Jay asked with a smile. "Let's go to Ninjago City Docks to see if he's there," Zane said. "Why would he be there?" Pixel asked. "It's a surprisingly quiet place," Jay said. "Quiet?!" Pixel asked, amazed. "Yes, actually it's quiet, I know that sounds really stupid but it is actually quiet," Jay said. "How? I would have thought it would be one of the loudest places ever because of the boats," Pixel said. "You are mistaken, well yes they are loud, but it's a nice place to go if you wanna chill and read a comic or something," Jay said. "A comic? I bet you've read one there before haven't you?" Zane asked. "Actually yes, and I'm not the only person, a good 4 or 5 other people are always there when I go there," Jay said. "Interesting, so let's go?" Pixel asked. "Come on," Jay said.

They began to run to the City Docks. It wasn't long before they realised that they would need vehicles and when they realised that, they immediately asked Wu to send them their vehicles over the communications devices in their masks. Wu quickly sent them their vehicles where we all motorbikes painted in the colors of their signature colors, for Jay, his was blue, for Zane, his was white and for Pixel, her's was a sort of dark blue which had red highlights. Each of them hopped on their motorbikes and drove to the docks.

When they arrived they hopped off of their motorbikes and pressed a button on them which made them shrink into pocket size which each of them slipped into their pockets. As soon as their bikes were firmly in their pockets they started to walk around the docks in hopes of finding Fugi-Dove...

Back at the monastery, Ninja was looking over Kirb, Viral and Evan while Wu was fighting robotic dummies which had the elemental abilities of each of the ninja. Wu was quite strong and fought quite well against most of his foes, and almost all of the ninja dummies except for Lloyd's ninja dummy. He seemed to struggle against Lloyd's dummy. The dummy had Lloyd's skill set as well as his elemental abilities. Wu put up a great fight against Lloyd's dummy but after a long and painful battle, Wu was pinned down by the staff which helped him walk. Lloyd's dummy seemed really determined to kill Wu and pressed his staff firmly into Wu's neck until Wu snapped and remembered he could use  spinjitzu. Once he used spinjitzu the dummy vanished into completely thin air. Relief came over Wu once the dummy had been defeated and he quickly ran to see the state of Kirb, Viral and Evan's issue.

As soon as he entered, he saw that all three of them were almost fully pale, which meant that there were only 3 days remaining before their imminent extinction...

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