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We walked to the monastery, not stopping for a moment to catch our breath. We arrived after a half an hour walk and quickly ran up the mountain the monastery sat upon. As soon as we got to the top we barged through the gates and saw Cole and Jay's doppelgängers fighting Ninja. "Oh no, not more of them," Kai said with a sigh. "Let's just get this done," Lloyd said just before he created a ball of energy which he shot at Cole and Jay's doppelgängers. I got that same odd feeling just before the energy ball hit them and I quickly instructed Zane to freeze the ball of energy. He did that and it froze only millimeters away from Cole and Jay's doppelgängers. Once the energy ball had frozen Cole and Jay's doppelgängers turned around and we were met with a nice sight. The sight of Cole and Jay, the real ones. A bright smile spread across most of our faces when we saw them. "Cole! Jay! You're okay!" Zane yelled happily. "Yeah, we found our new potential," Cole said. "I did too," Kai said with a smile. "So is it just me?" Zane asked. "No, Lloyd must find his as well," Wu said. "And is it just the ninja who get their new or true potential?" I asked. "No, no of course not, you found your true potential a couple of days ago, remember?" Wu asked. "For a minute I genuinely thought it happened today, as if all of the stuff that happened since we returned had happened in only one day." I said sarcastically. "No, it's been about 1 or 2 days since we returned, you must have fallen asleep some time while you were in that jungle," Wu said. Suddenly I thought to myself, I realised that we hadn't told Wu about the jungle, but I didn't think much of it at the moment as I just assumed that it was because he was wise or something. "We didn't tell you  about the jungle," Kai said sceptically. "I went looking for the blade myself once, I didn't even find the first scroll before my friends had dropped into the volcano, but of course that's a story for another day." Wu said with a sad face. "Sorry, we didn't mean to ask if it would have made you feel bad," Jay said. "That's not the matter we should be worried about currently, we need to find a way to get the blade before it's too late," Wu said. "How exactly would we do that?" I asked. "You, Aaron, Cole, Lloyd and Kai will go and get the blade while Jay, Ninja, Zane and I make Pixel a new exoskeleton." Wu said wisely. "A new exoskeleton? I thought you had already made that!" I said. "No, we lost the parts when we fled the monastery to go to the city." Zane said. "I'll make it," I said before I made an immobile robot out of thin air. I then made the robot look identical to Pixel and I told Zane to put her hard drive in the robot. "Has it worked?" Kai asked. "Let's see," Zane said just as the hard drive pulled itself into Pixel's new robotic body. "Woah, what happened?" Pixel asked as she came back to life. "It worked!" I yelled happily. "Good!" Cole said. "How long has it been?" Pixel asked. "Two days," Jay said. "Oh, I thought it would take you three years again," Pixel said with a small laugh. "Yeah, now let's see how alive Kirb, Viral and Evan are." I said. Aaron and Ninja followed me as we entered the monastery to check on them. They were still motionless and they looked almost dead, but we knew they weren't and we knew that we had only one way to save them. So as soon as we saw that they were okay-ish we ran out of the monastery and began talking to the others about the plan.

"So when are we leaving?" I asked as soon as we left the monastery. "As soon as possible, but wait, where is your stuff that you had when we left the first time?" Kai asked. "Must have dropped it when we escaped through the jungle or something, how about you?" I asked. "Probably the same," Lloyd said. "I don't think we'll need stuff, maybe a sword or something before we go," I said. "I know you won't need stuff, you can make anything from thin air!" Cole said happily. "Yeah, that still seems overpowered!" Jay said with a smile. "Well we might find out my weakness on our journey right?" I said. "Probably," Kai said. "Wait!" I yelled as I remembered something. "Yeah?" Everyone asked. "Zane or Pixel read this please," I said, pulling out the scroll and unravelling it to reveal the unknown language on the back. "I'm afraid we are unable to read this," Pixel said. "Can you read it, Wu?" I asked. "Probably, let me see," Wu said. Wu then grabbed the scroll and scanned it furroly. "Okay so it says... I'm snowy and cloudy with buildings in the skies, I play up where no bird flies." Wu read. "The Cloud Kingdom!" Jay yelled happily. "How do we get there?" I asked. "The Wailing Alps..." Cole said. "But isn't that where the blade is?" Aaron asked. "Maybe the clues lead to a key which we need to use to get to the blade?" I asked. "I don't know, but there's only one way to find out!" Cole yelled. "Well, let's get ready and we'll head off to The Wailing Alps," Lloyd said. "Let's get climbing equipment and our vehicles and head to the worst place ever!" Kai said, surprisingly enthusiastically. "Come on Aaron, Cole, Lloyd, Kai let's get ourselves ready and save our friends!" I said. Aaron, Cole, Lloyd, Kai and I ran into the monastery and left the others. The others looked at one another and started a conversation. "What do we do?" Jay asked. "Well I suppose we should find ourselves a new problem to solve," Zane said. "Perhaps you should help the police with rounding up villains or find any of Garmadon's destruction soldiers that may have managed to get a mind of their own," Wu said. "Good idea, come on Zane, Pixel let's go to the city!" Jay said just before he, Zane and Pixel ran out of the monastery courtyard and down the mountain. Wu and Ninja watched them as they ran and then walked into the monastery ready for a few days of waiting...

Ninjago's New HeroesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora