The Jump

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As we flew, we began to talk to one another in a similar way to how we did on the way to The Wailing Alps. "So we're sure this plan will work?" Lloyd asked. "If it doesn't then things will be bad," I said. "How long do we have left?" Kai asked. "Something like 1 or 2 days maybe," I said. "That's still quite a while," Aaron said. "Not really, but let's just ask Wu when we uget back to the monastery," Cole said. "How long do we have until we arrive?" Helena asked. "About 2 hours," Kai said. "I know I probably said this before, but does this thing go any faster?" I asked. "In fact, you'd be happy to learn that it does." Kai said. "Strap yourselves in real tight, we are about to go about 500 miles an hour, and if you didn't guess... that's fast," Kai added just as he slowly pulled a lever which sat next to him back to the furthest it could go. Without even the slightest warning, we shot forwards and almost slipped out of our chairs due to the speed.

But at the speed we were going, we arrived at the monastery quite quickly. When we did we landed outside of it. We quickly hopped out of the jet before we ran into the monastery. When we entered the monastery, we found ourselves standing in front of Wu. He had just defeated one of the Lloyd dummies and was panting. "Master Wu?" Lloyd asked. As soon as Lloyd spoke, Wu stopped panting and stood up firmly before he slowly turned around. "Ninja? You have returned?" Wu asked as he turned around. "Yes Wu we have," I said. "Where is the sword?" Wu asked. "Turns out, it wasn't there the whole time," Cole said. "So where did you conclude that it is?" Wu asked. "Where our story began," Kai said. "The blacksmith shop?" Wu asked. "You got that much quicker than they did," I said. "You figured this out? How exactly did you do that?" Wu asked. "We don't have time for questions, we need Jay and Zane, by the way we're leaving Aaron, Helena and Lloyd here with you," Kai said. "Oh okay, but do you care enough to explain your plan?" Wu asked. "We would love to, but we need to get the sword quickly!" I said. "Oh yes of course, but why do you need Jay and Zane?" Wu asked. "Because they have the abilities of Ice and Electricity," I said. "Jay's element is actually lightning but you are close," Wu said. "Oh, yeah your right, can we just get them?" Kai asked. "Yes, but would someone explain why those elements are required to obtain the blade?" Wu asked. "Because they have 2 of the 4 elements that created Ninjago," I said. "How did you come up with the idea that you needed them? Wu asked. "Lloyd can you explain? We need to get Jay and Zane and then get out of here," Cole said. "Yeah, you guys hurry, we need to make sure that you guys get the back with the blade before it's too late," Lloyd said. Cole, Kai and I then ran into the monastery to get Jay and Zane.

"So do you wanna explain?" Wu asked. "I'd love to... okay so, Ben thought about where we found the scrolls," Lloyd said. "The volcano, Borg tower, the museum and I suppose you found the last one up some tall snowy tower?" Wu asked. "Yeah, so Ben basically thought about these four locations, and then he realised that they all... some more than others, correspond with the four elements of creation," Lloyd said. "So you're telling me that he decided somehow that there were only four scrolls the whole time?" Wu asked. "Yep, I'm actually not sure how he did it," Lloyd said. "By the way, did you find out what his weakness was?" Wu asked. "No we didn't actually, what do you suppose it could be?" Aaron asked. "Perhaps we will find out soon," Wu said. Just then, Cole, Kai, Jay, Zane and I ran out of the monastery and ran straight past the others. We quickly hopped into the jet and got ready to fly away. "They must return soon, your friend's lives depend on it," Wu said.

Just as he said those words, we shot up into the air and then began to fly to the blacksmith shop. On our way to counter the evil attacks of boredom we were feeling, we started to have a conversation. One much like the other two times we were in the jet. "So, do you really think this is going to work?" Cole asked. "When haven't my plans worked?" I asked. "That's a great question, just one I don't know a good answer to," Jay said. "I suppose we should just hope for the best," I said. "Guys, we are approaching the shop now," Kai said as we flew about 500 feet away from the shop. "We don't have time to land, Kai can you make the jet stop moving so we can jump out?" I asked. "I'll have to land it, but you guys can jump out," Kai said. "I'll wait," Jay said. "No you won't," Cole said, as he grabbed Jay's arm and pulled him out of his seat. "Open up the back, we're gonna jump," I said to Kai. Kai then opened the back up and let us get ready to jump. "So how are we going to do this?" Jay asked as he scratched his head in worry. "Don't think about it buddy, with Ben's portals we'll be fine," Cole said as he patted Jay's shoulder hard which caused him to lose his balance and he slipped out of the back of the jet. I quickly jumped forwards and tried to grab the back of his collar to stop him from falling. But before I could, he fell and started squirming around. "Cole!" I yelled as I watched Jay fall. I quickly got up to my feet, turned around to face the others and slowly stepped back into the air below the jet. I then turned head first to the ground to skydive. I quickly grabbed Jay and opened a portal to stop us from hitting the ground. As soon as we entered the portal we fell out of another one, which was conveniently placed just above the ground. Just as we fell, the portals vanished and I looked up to see Cole and Zane falling. I quickly opened a portal under them which they both fell in and opened a second portal beside Jay and I. "That was a close one," Jay said nervously. "That's an understatement," I said as Kai landed the jet beside us. He then hopped out of the jet and ran to us. "Where do we go to find the blade?" Zane asked. "Let's see," I said as we walked towards the blacksmith shop...

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