A Terrifying Surprise

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We continued to walk until we got just outside of the shop. We then stopped as we were greeted by Ray and Maya, Kai's parents. "Mom! Dad!" Kai yelled as he ran to them to hug them. "What is the reason for your untimely visit?" Ray asked with a smile. "Do you know where The Blade of Power is?" Kai asked. "Not exactly where it is, but I was told where it could be," Ray said. "Where?" Cole asked. "Over there," Maya said as she pointed to a big hill. "Okay, come on!" I said as I opened a portal which led straight to the hill. Just as I was about to step into the portal, Zane grabbed me and pulled me back. Only seconds later, an arrow flew through the portal and narrowly missed Jay's head. "THIS IS INSANE MAN!" Jay yelled. "How did you know that would happen?" I asked Zane as I closed the portal. "After being a ninja for 10 years you start to get the hang of guessing when bad things are about to happen," Zane said. "So we have to get up there on foot?" Kai asked. "Sure does seem like that doesn't it?" Jay asked. "I'm afraid so, but it will be nice bonding time," Ray said. "Okay, we should be quick though," I said as I began to walk to the hill. Zane, Cole, Kai and Jay began to follow after me.

"So, how do you think it will appear?" Kai asked as we walked. "I suppose once you guys use your elements in the right place, some sort of door might open and might allow us to get the blade and be on our way," I said. "Knowing Ninjago, this might be harder than just grabbing a blade from a stone," Cole said. "There will most likely be traps that we have to get past," Jay said. "This is going to be two long chapters..." I said under my breath. "Chapters?" Jay asked. "I suppose he is referring to an hour rather than a chapter. Perhaps he calls hours, chapters." Zane said. "Oh well that makes sense..." Cole said. "We're approaching it now, let's just get this done as quickly as possible, otherwise we are gonna be three men down," Jay said. "That's one way to say it," I said as I began to run to the hill.

Moments later we got to the bottom of the hill and we stood in front of it as we prepared to climb it. "How exactly are we going to climb this thing?" Jay asked. "Cole, can you use your earth to get us up there?" I asked. "I can try," Cole said, just as the ground below us began to shake. Suddenly the ground started to grow until it was about the size of the hill. "How do we get across this then?" Kai asked. "Kai shoot a fireball at the hill, Zane you freeze the fireball," I said. "But it will just become water," Jay said. "Then Zane can freeze it and make us a stepping stone," I said. "Oh yeah!" Jay said. Just then, Kai shot a fireball at the hill and Zane froze it causing his ice to become water. As soon as the water appeared, Zane shot the water with his ice and the water became a floating stone. "How is it flying?" Jay asked. "Just jump on it and get across!" I said as I held the ice up with my telekinesis. "Okay, I will," Jay said just as he ran to the stone and hopped onto it, as soon as he landed on it it began to crumble. "JAY! JUMP!" Kai yelled. Jay then jumped and the ice vanished. My telekinesis then stopped working and I relaxed. "Let's just use airjitzu to get to the other side," Zane said. "But what about Ben?" Cole asked. "You guys just go, I'll find another way across," I said just as the bit of earth we were standing on began to lower back into the ground. The others then started using airjitzu to get on top of the hill. When they landed I created another lasso with a hook on the end and threw it to Kai. He quickly grabbed it and I jumped off of the piece of earth I was on. I stayed in the air for a moment before I swung straight into the side of the hill feet first. I then began to slowly walk up the hill. When I got to the top, I made the lasso and hook vanish and I went to the center of the hill. "So how do we get the blade?" Jay asked. "Just use your elements and we'll see if it opens or something," I said as I walked to the edge of the hill. The ninja then started to shoot their elements into the center of the hill and it began to crumble under us. Suddenly we found ourselves falling down into the ground.

We fell for quite a while until we stopped when we got to a room filled with mirrors. "What's this supposed to be?" Jay asked. "A room of mirrors Jay," Cole said. "I know that!" Jay yelled. "Maybe it's a test," I said. "A test?" Kai asked. "Yeah what else could it be?" I asked. "Zane, can you scan this area to see if these are actually mirrors?" Cole asked. "On it Cole," Zane said as one of his eyes began to glow light blue. "It appears that they are not mirrors, in fact they are windows," Zane said. "So we can smash them?" I asked. "Perhaps that's the idea, or maybe it's to see if you can solve the puzzle," Zane said. "Puzzle?" Kai asked. "If this is a test, then it would have a puzzle," I said. "Cole, have a look at each of the windows, Jay you stand still and look up, Kai look at the runes on the floor, Zane you do the same as Kai." I said. Just then they did as I said and began to search for clues to help us solve the puzzle. "Who do you think made this place?" Kai asked as he and Zane looked at runes on the floor. "It can't have been long ago that this was made, it's in excellent condition," Zane said. "Guys!" Jay yelled as he looked up. "It's closing!" He yelled. We all then looked up to see that Jay was right, the hill was closing. "Kai get us a light, Cole you start smashing the windows, Zane you look at the runes and you Jay... you just use your element or something." I said. They then did as I said. Kai shot a huge fireball above us to give us some light, Cole started smashing each of the windows and Zane continued to look at the runes. Jay just stood and made his fingers spark a few bolts of lightning. As Jay was doing that, I saw a small purple lightning bolt shoot to Jay's finger. "Wait a minute," I said. "What?" Jay asked as I walked towards him. "Purple lightning..." I said. "What does that mean?" Kai asked. "Garmadon!" I yelled, just as one of the windows exploded in front of us. From behind the window, Garmadon walked towards us holding a stone sword. "Looking for this?" He asked. "Probably," I said. "Well you ain't getting it!" Garmadon yelled as he pointed the tip of the sword towards us. Just then I watched as orange dust flew out of my fingertips and onto the tip of the sword. A similar thing happened to Cole, Jay, Kai and Zane but the dust was the same color as their elements. "No!" I yelled just as Garmadon vanished into purple dust. "He stole our elements!" I yelled unhappily. "And he has the blade!" Kai yelled furiously. "So now we're stuck in here?" I asked. "Maybe not," Zane said as he pointed to the window, Garmadon walked out of. "How is he back?" Kai asked. "He's Garmadon, how do you think he's back?" Jay asked. "What is it, Zane?" I asked. "It's an exit!" Zane said happily. "What kind of exit?" Cole asked sceptically. "A portal," Zane said. "What color?" I asked. "Purple," Zane said. "I suppose it's safe to assume that this is gonna be dangerous," Cole said. "That won't stop us from going into it," I said as I walked through the window and ran straight into the portal. "Why does he have to do this?" Cole asked as he followed after me. "This is gonna be dangerous!" Jay yelled as Kai and Zane followed after Cole and I. Jay reluctantly ran into the portal as well, and as soon as he did, the portal disappeared...

Ninjago's New HeroesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora