My Return

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The others watched me as I fell until I disappeared into thin air. They continued to look down the mountain to see if I was still alive but were dismayed when they couldn't see me anymore. "No... we need to climb down there and get him!" Kai yelled. "Why?" Helena asked. "Because he's the only one who can grab The Blade of Power," Lloyd said. "Why is that?" Helena asked. "We don't actually know... the person who told us to get the blade didn't actually tell us why," Lloyd said. "Interesting... wouldn't you like to find out why?" Helena asked. "Yeah, but who would know?" Kai asked. "Maybe the people at the Cloud Kingdom will know," Helena said. "How did you know we were going there?" Aaron asked. "Only those looking for it hike up this mountain," Helena said. "Can I ask you something," Lloyd said. "What's that?" Helena asked. "Do you think you can fly down there and see if he's alive," Lloyd asked. "I sure can try," Helena said as she ran off the mountain and became a smoke cloud. She then flew down the mountain to see if I was still alive. She returned back up to the others only moments later to give them news. "I didn't find him," Helena said as she became her human self again and landed on the mountain. "I hope he got himself a portal and got himself somewhere safe," Lloyd said. "If he's safe then he'll be at the top of the mountain, at least I hope," Aaron said, just before he began to hike up the mountain again. The others followed behind him.

After a while they found themselves outside a cave. This cave was dark and suspicious, but the others were cold, tired and just really wanted to sleep. So they went into the cave and Kai lit it up. When the cave became alight, the interior of the cave was released. Inside the cave sat a skeleton. One that seemed as though it wanted to move but was unable to. The others didn't think much of it and quickly fell asleep. As they slept, the skeleton began to move. It started by shifting its head towards them and then began to stand up. Surprisingly it managed to stand up like a normal person would have. It then staggered towards the others as they slept. It stepped slowly as it grew close to them. It then pulled a sword out of nowhere and got ready to attack the others. It lifted the sword above its head and then tried to drop his arm along with his sword into Kai's chest. But just as he did, I appeared out of thin air and made a sword in my hand which I used to attack the skeleton. "Don't try to attack my friends," I said as the skeleton fell backwards and landed right in front of my shoes.

After I had attacked the skeleton, each of the others woke up one by one. "Ben?" Lloyd asked. "Yeah," I said in response. "How are you alive?" Kai asked. "It's not the first time I've come back to life is it?" I asked. "You can't just return to life, that's not possible!" Helena yelled. "I didn't, I just managed to unlock a new ability," I said. "What's that?" Cole asked. "I can disappear where I am and appear wherever I want," I said. "Are you gonna show us?" Aaron asked. "Yeah if you want me too," I said. "Go ahead," Kai said. "I'll see you in a second," I said, just as my arm began to become glowing orange dust. The rest of me then became orange dust and I vanished. I then found myself in the same place I was before, except the others weren't there. I then walked behind where I remembered Kai was standing before and started to become orange dust again. Orange dust then appeared behind Kai and I appeared behind him. "How did you do that?!" Helena asked as she jumped back in fear. "Magic," I said. "Is that your element?" Helena asked. "Yep," I said. "Why don't you just get us to the top of the mountain then?" Helena asked. "My element won't allow itself up to the top, it's just too far." I said. "How long do we have to get your blade?" Helena asked. "Probably like a day or two," I said. "Well then, sleeping isn't an option, but why are you on a time limit anyway?" Helena asked. "Because our friends will pass away if we don't get it in time..." I said. "Come on then, let's get to the top of the mountain," Helena said. "I don't think I'll be able to walk that long..." Kai said. "Well we have to try," Lloyd said sleepily. "Come on guys, let's try to get to the top shall we?" I said as I tried to motivate them. They just sighed and we all left the cave, ready to get to the top of the mountain.

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