The Beginning of the Darkness

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Jay, Cole, Ninja, Evan and Viral were all training in the courtyard of the monastery. They were waiting for us to return from our mission to beat Garmadon and his friends to Blue. They were fighting one another with weapons and with elemental abilities. Evan, Viral and Jay were all dodging each other's attacks as they shot lightning strikes at one another. Ninja and Cole were sitting on the steps that lead into the monastery, watching the others fight each other. Once the fighting came down to just Jay and Evan, a cloud of darkness drifted above them. "What is that?" Cole asked as he and Ninja rose to their feet. As he said those words, Jay and Evan stopped fighting and looked up to the cloud as well. "Oh no..." Jay said as the cloud drifted past them and over to Ninjago City. "Cole!" Jay yelled as he began to run towards Cole. "This isn't good, where is Benjamin, Aaron, Kai, Lloyd and Kirb?" Cole asked. "I don't know, but maybe we should get the others and go find out?" Jay asked. They all quickly ran into the monastery and began to search for the others.

Back at the Cloud Kingdom, Lloyd, Kai, Kirb, Aaron and I were still stuck to the ground and were still golden statues. I was still able to look and think, but was unable to move. Due to the fact I was able to think, I was still able to use my elemental powers. So... I quickly began to think about me being un-statuified, and luckily, it worked. Moments after I began to think of it disappearing, it began to disappear, until I was free. "Guys," I said to Lloyd, Kai, Kirb and Aaron as they stood still in their place. They didn't respond, they didn't even move a muscle, mainly, because they couldn't. After a moment or two, I realised that they were unable to respond, and I began to do the same thing that I did to free myself, for them. Within seconds all four of them were free from the golden prison. "How are we not golden anymore?" Lloyd asked. "Because my powers are stronger than that of the magic that the scrolls possess, I was able to free you from the golden statue," I said. "Where are Garmadon, Blue, Dean and Trent, and how long were we golden?" Kai asked. "Well, I bet we were golden for at least a couple of minutes, maybe hours?" I said unsure. "That means Garmadon and his army could be at Ninjago City already," Lloyd said. "How do we get back?" Kirb asked. "I need one of the blank scrolls," I said, as an idea popped into my head. "The scrolls?" Lloyd asked. "If I have one, I can make us teleport back to the monastery," I said. "Great idea!" Kai yelled as he ran towards a bunch of scrolls. "I will also need a quill! And ink!" I yelled to Kai as he began to pull one scroll out of a bookshelf at a time to find a blank one.

Back at the monastery, Zoey, Helena, Cole, Jay, Evan, Wu, Pixel, Zane, Viral and Ninja walked out into the front courtyard. "It's just as I feared, one of Garmadon's storms..." Wu said as he walked out of the monastery. "Can we stop it?" Jay asked. "I think you know quite well that only a few people can," Wu responded. "And who are they Master Wu?" Cole asked. "Most of the Oni and anyone who wields the Blade of Power," Wu said. "Anyone?" Zane asked. "Those who wield enough power," Wu said. "Zoey, what's your element?" Evan asked. "Light," Zoey responded. "Does she wield enough power?" Viral asked Wu. "No, the only people who can defeat the darkness are not here," Wu said. "Ben and Lloyd?" Cole asked. "If you can use your new potential, you can be a big help whilst we wait," Wu said. "What if they don't come back?" Helena asked. "Let us not think about that, let us think as though we know they will," Wu said. "Cole, Zane, are you ready to try our new potential?" Jay asked. "It's worth a try," Cole said. The three then walked to the center of the front courtyard and prepared themselves to use their new potential. "It might not work without Kai..." Zane said. "Ninjago needs us, whether Kai is or isn't with us!" Jay said as he began to create lightning orbs in his hands. Cole did the same, yet with boulders rather than lightning orbs. Zane used balls of ice instead of lightning orbs as he didn't have either earth nor lightning powers. "Should we combine the powers?" Cole asked. "What?" Jay asked. "Put them all into the middle of a triangle or something and maybe something will happen?" Cole asked. "That isn't necessary Cole, I can see that you are already beginning to change into your new potential form as we speak," Zane said as Cole began to levitate into the air, dropping the boulders to the ground, which caused them to disappear. Earth then began to surround Cole until he dropped back to the ground. Instead of being the normal Cole though, he was now elemental Cole, with his element surrounding him like an aura. Just as Cole landed, Jay began to levitate. Instead of earth beginning to surround Jay though, lightning surrounded him. The same thing that happened to Cole then happened to Jay. Jay dropped to the ground and like Cole, was no longer his normal self, rather, his elemental self. A humanoid figure surrounded by lightning. Immediately as Jay landed on the ground, Zane lifted into the air. Ice then began to surround Zane as it combined with his causing him, like Cole and Jay, to become his elemental form, an humanoid or should I say, nindroid of ice. Once all three were back on the ground, they quickly looked towards Wu for instructions. "Go and find Garmadon, as soon as the others return, we'll all come to help," Wu said as he pointed towards the huge black cloud in the sky. Cole, Jay and Zane then shot up into the air and began to sort of fly towards the city. "We're now at war, a war of darkness," Wu said as he and the others watched the others as they travelled towards the city. "Good luck ninja," Pixel said. Little did they know, it wouldn't be long before Kai, Lloyd, Aaron, Kirb and I returned and the real war began...

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