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  Now Kim Dokja was tired he was already injured from previous fights. Kim Dokja did a slow slash at Yoo Joonghyuks shoulder. "Shit hes fast." Yoo Joonghyuk thought as he rushed towards Kim Dokja with his sword infront of him. He took a straight stab at the demons head which was easily parried. "Is this the best you can do?" Kim Dokja teased. 

"Ergh!" Kim Dokja let out a sharp cry as he felt a throbbing pain in his back. Yoo Joonghyuk smiled "Its over demon." he said as they both descended back to the ground. "What h-how." Kim Dokja was now struggling to stay up. "I have a small knife filled with poison in my boot, when I put my foot on you the fight was already over." Yoo Joonghyuk declared. "Though it took longer than normal.." he thought to himself. Kim Dokja collapsed his wings spread messily on the ground. 

Yoo Joonghyuk crouched down beside him. "Time to take him back." Yoo Joonghyuk thought. As he was about to go he found himself staring at the mans face. Now that Kim Dokja wasen't awake his face was relaxed, a little tense from the poison though. He had white porcelain skin that was untouched by the dirty air of the climate. The most entrancing feature of him though was his long eyelashes that seemed to long to be real. 

"Fuck.. what am I doing." Yoo Joonghyuk groaned to himself as he hosted the light man onto his shoulder. 


"I've completed the mission." Yoo Joonghyuk declared setting down the demons body infront of Anna Croft. 

Anna Croft observed him for a moment. "Very well, bring him down to the palace cell." 

Yoo Joonghyuk stared at her wordlessly "Wheres my award?" he demanded. Anna Croft sighed "So greedy.." she shook her head. "Here this is a gods medicine, you can keep it or sell it either way it'll do you good." Anna Croft threw him a small vial with blue liquid inside it. 

Yoo Joonghyuk was to tired to argue about the useless award, his wounds were still untreated and he still had to take care of Kim Dokja.


Kim Dokja POV

Kim Dokja started to slowly wake up. His head pounded with pain but his throat felt to weak to be audible about his pains. There was a hand hoisting him up onto their shoulder. His whole body ached, then the memories rushed back to him. 

"A black dressed bastard fought me yesterday.." Kim Dokja tried to remember. "And then..shit!" Kim Dokjas eyes suddenly widened as he took in his surroundings. "A cell!" Kim Dokja panicked but he couldn't move his body. 

"That bastard is holding onto me!" Kim Dokja was now anxious. He lost, and now he didn't know what would become of him. The black dressed man set him down in a cell. "I see your awake." He said gruffly standing above Kim Dokja. 

Kim Dokja mustered the energy to flip the man off. He could see visible veins popping onto his forehead. "You're miserable." The man said. "Really some would say I'm quite beautiful." Kim Dokja rasped. The man stayed quiet. Kim Dokja contuined "With the way that you were staring at my face the other day I would think that I looked good." Kim Dokja felt his strength returning slowly even though he could only move his mouth. The mans eyes widened and his face dropped. "Bullshit I would never spare a glance at that ugly mug." the man declared and smalled the cell door. "Wait!" Kim Dokja called after him. "Whats your name?" He asked. The man paused, then walked away leaving Kim Dokja alone. 

Kim Dokja sighed deeply as he slowly hoisted his limp body against the wall and he let exhaustion win him over again.


Hii again! I'm not really getting views but I hope that some people read this if you are please leave a like! <3     

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