"You are just trying to say shut up in a civilized manner" She bombarded another accusation that was a dangerous one.

"No. Why would I say that to you" He didn't know what happened to her suddenly.

"Because you don't want to hear my voice"

"Why would I want that? I love hearing your sweet voice around me" The matter wasn't as simple as it looked to him few minutes ago.

"But you asked me to stay quiet"

"Yeah just to focus on the match. I didn't mean to say anything hurtful to you" He explained.

She kept silence and didn't speak any word again. He looked at her face for a second, she was still sitting in the same posture.

"Why did you misbehave with me today?" She asked after a few minutes in an interrogative manner.

"Not right now baby! We will talk later" He didn't want his attention to divert right now.

The match was more interesting to him than anything else right now.

"Ezad!" She called his name. She usually didn't take his name. He heard his name from her only for a few times.

"Yes" He answered without looking at her.

"Stop ignoring me" She complained.

"I am not" All, he said.

She saw him with anger. Without any prior warning, she snatched the TV remote from his hand and turned off the TV.

"Liyana!! I am watching the match" He saw her unbelievably.

"And you are ignoring me" She raised her voice at him furiously.

She was angry.

She was unhappy.

She looked irritated.

She wanted his attention.

Ezad's heart melted in nano seconds. The match was nothing in front of his wife. It mattered nothing to him. All in the world mattered to him was his little wife.

He could watch the highlights but could he re live these moments with her when she needed him.

"I am not ignoring you. I was just watching TV. I am sorry. I was totally involved in the match. I can't ignore you, you know that, Right?" He leaned down at her and pressed his lips to her forehead.

She felt a wave of satisfaction running through her body.

That was all she needed.


She nodded. She knew what importance she had in his life. She knew it very well. She never had a second thought about it.

"Then why you said it?" He asked caressing her hair.

"First you misbehaved with me in the University. You were so rude to me. You could have talked nicely. I was shocked at your tone. And now you are busy watching this stupid match instead of talking to me" She pointed out all of his mistakes.

She detached herself from his body. Throwing her hands in the air she kept complaining about his today's behavior.

"Okay relax!"

She pressed her lips together.

"First of all I did not misbehave with you Miss Liyana Maryam. I am just your professor at the university nothing else. Don't expect any special importance there. I treat you like my every other student. I never misbehaved with any of my students. I might be strict but certainly not ill behaved. So don't accuse me of that.

Coming back to today's class. Why didn't you answer me confidently. You could have answer it wrong but you didn't even speak a word. May I ask why?" He gently handled her.

"I was completely blank when you asked me the question" She told him helplessly.

"And why so? You have gone through that topic. Right?"

She nodded.


"I don't know. I don't retain stuff in my mind. I study. I get the concept. Then I simply forget it. I just don't recall it" She explained.

"This never happened before. What's wrong with you now. Tell me!" He patted her cheek.

"I don't know" She looked like a mess. Her eyes were teary. Her nose was red.

"It's okay. It can happen. You are overthinking these days. Right?" He asked her another question.

She again modded her head.

Ezad mentally cursed himself.

He was getting these vibes, something is wrong with her but he was so busy in his work these days that he didn't give attention to this matter and now watching her in this condition was painful for him.

How could he ignore his vibes related to her?

"What happened tell me? What's the matter? What's bothering you?" He held her delicate hands in his rough ones.

He assured his presence to her. He was there to listen her. He was always there and he would always be there for her.

"I saw bhai in my dream" She said, difficulty. Tears ran on her cheeks.


She started crying miserably.

"Lina meri jan" He was shocked to see her sudden outburst. He wrapped his arms protectively around her jolting body.

(My life)

He caressed her back and kissed her hair.


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