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To Blue or Not to Blue

Morning routines went beautifully well and so did work at the gym.  Dion was in a good place after everything that transpired between him and Jess. Also, knowing Bluey the kid was okay gave him a semblance of peace.

It's not like he cared whatever she did with her life but if the police were to start looking for her,  he would be questioned.

Oh shut up Dion.  He scolded himself.  Who was he kidding?  He was relieved she was perfectly fine and back to being an enthusiastic elf.

Sometimes he wished he could be like her, to not give a flying,  crawling, or running fuck about anything but he wasn't.  He was raised so harshly that he became a snail who loved the comfort of its shell more than sunshine.  He's been damaged so much that only a factory reset from the original manufacturer can fix him.

Judged as much,  criticised too often, and punished too soon for every flimsy thing that he has lost his sense of humor, his ability to have fun or see life from any bright perspective, just so he doesn't get into trouble.

Then someone decided to frame him putting a nail into his already tightly shut coffin.

He was slowly finding himself for the first time since he became sensible enough to understand he was human. He hoped that someday, he'd find the man he was originally created to be.

Dion took a deep breath to clear his thoughts as he moved across his kitchen. He was famished and he was happy about it.  Eating had become a chore since the news of his mother's death broke.  Though she had not been in good health for a while,  it was the news of his incarceration that broke her and he just couldn't forgive himself for it.

However, after Josh's visit,  his appetite had improved but not tremendously,  and for the first time in three years,  he was hungry.  He could feel and describe his hunger as beyond control.
He had taken out one of the many products of his rage cooking and placed it in the microwave as soon as he returned from the gym. A quick shower and he was back in the kitchen fixing a plate for himself.

He sat in the kitchen waiting for the coconut rice and grilled chicken to heat up.  Now he wished he had thought about plantain,  then he would have fried some to go with the rice. 

When it was ready,  He ate quietly, savouring his meal.  He almost hummed as he ate.

Dion paused.

What the hell was wrong with him?
Why was he in such a good spirit?

He tried to recollect how his day went but there was nothing unusual, the previous day,  nothing unusual,  the day before,  it couldn't be because Jess had spoilt his day.

He gave up when he couldn't come up with any reason for his high-spirited ways.  He dumped sliced lemons into a glass and poured iced water into it. He sipped it gently washing down his food. He was halfway through his meal when his doorbell chimed.

He sighed and shook his head pitifully. His house used to have so much peace and no visits, but now the doorbell was going off continuously and so many visitors.

He pushed himself off the stool and headed for the door.  He pulled it open without checking.

He blinked and then squinted.

A wave of mixed feelings washed through him.  He was still in a good mood but his mood got even better and at the same time he felt like a deflating balloon.

"Hi, Olympian." Sapphire giggled when he narrowed his brows and then proceeded to glare at her.

"What are you doing here,  Bluey? "

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