
"OMG" Liyana's friend screamed.

"Keep your voice low girl" Sara controlled her laugh.

"I am so happy for you congratulations!" Liyana congratulated her happily.

Sara was going to be nikkah fied in a few days. She just broke the news to her friends today.

The boy she was getting married to, was her sister's brother in law.

In the coming days, Sara's husband, Haris would come to pick her up from the University. Liyana's group had met him a few times when he came to pick Sara.

Liyana was seeing much more closeness between Haris and Sara. They were a wonderful couple. Really in love.

She always admired their love.


The love between a man and a woman. This concept was new to her. She was introduced to it in the university life where many young people were involved in relationships.

But she didn't understand it yet.

After seeing Sara and Haris together, she started yearning for this kind of relationship with her husband.

People always yearn for something they don't have.

She didn't had this type of attention from Ezad. It was different with Ezad, very different from what she was seeing in other couples in university.

It was another day, when Sara showed them something. Liyana looked at the mobile screen with wide eyes. Then she raised her face to look at her friend who was smiling at her.

"Wth Sara?" All she could mutter at this time.

"What? Can't you see what the hell this is?" Sara laughed closing her phone's gallery.

Other girls were also shocked. Some had a meaningful smile on their faces. Some were shocked just like Liyana.

Liyana couldn't believe what her eyes saw.

It was a video of Sara with her husband. It was a short video made by Sara herself, in which Haris was ravishly kissing Sara's lips.

Liyana was shocked watching the content.

"Don't give me that look Liyana. I am happy and I just wanted to share my happiness with you all" Sara said to the group of girls.

"Ohho Sara you are getting all the perks of being in a halal relationship" One of the girls said.

All of them were teasing her now.

Liyana just passed her a little smile.

She didn't like Sara sharing her personal life to them. Sara should have protected his husband's privacy but she was just a naive young girl who didn't understand these things.

On the other hand, Liyana in her mind was thinking about Ezad. They were also lawfully married but never ever Ezad had showed this kind of intimacy.

He never tried to initiate things between them.

They lacked this passion in their relationship.

All they had were cuddling, hugs and quick pecks. Never more than that. She never really thought about it ever before, but now after seeing Sara and Haris, she started thinking about the lack of this spark in her life.

She couldn't stop thinking about it.

"What happened to you?" Ezad asked her the moment she sat in the passenger seat. They were heading back to the home.

"Headache" She lied without looking at him.

She couldn't see into his eyes after thinking about him intimately.

"Why is it so? Are you stressed?" He asked, worriedly.

"No" She shook her head.

"Did you eat anything?"


"Okay let's have milkshake first" He suggested.

Liyana didn't utter a word. She kept looking out of the window. He made her drink a glass of her favorite strawberry milkshake. She took it silently from his hands.

It refreshed her mind a bit.

She slept right after they reached home.

Ezad knew she was disturbed. He waited till night to talk to her.

At night she was busy studying in the lounge when Ezad sat next to her, earlier he was preparing his lecture in his study.

She looked up at him for a moment, then averted her gaze immediately.

"What happened to you?" He asked, worriedly.

"Nothing" She tried to smile.

"Do you think you can lie to me sweetheart?" He challenged her.

She shook her head silently.

"Then what's the matter you are lying about?" He asked.

"I am not lying" She didn't like the word lie.

"Yes, you are lying. Tell me what happened" He emphasized.

"What do you mean by lying?"

"Relax! I am not calling you liar baby bird!" He patted her arm lovingly, tried to relax his angry wife.

"Then what are you doing?" She asked in a firm tone, jerking her arm away from his hold.

Ezad was taken aback from her behavior.

What just happened to her?


Liyana has started thinking about Ezad in a different way🫣

Let's see what happens next.

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