F. |Yanqing| Fair Game☁️

619 11 2

requested by: Alula394

Sorry this is a lil bit short...

"Come onnn! You really should take a break from this, Yanqing!!" You whined as he swung his sword

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"Come onnn! You really should take a break from this, Yanqing!!" You whined as he swung his sword. "Awh! Y/n you know I have to train-"

"Yeah, I know! But you don't have to do it allllll the time!" You pout. "Please?" You pleaded. Yanqing sighed, "Fine. What do you want to do?" He asked.

Yanqing seemed really mature. "Let's go to the new carnival that opened not long ago!" You suggest. "Huh?! I wanted to go there with you! That's perfect!!" His eyes beam. He lost the maturity he just had a few second ago and the two of you were now in sync.


"Mmmmm!" You squeal. "This is sooooooooo good!~" Yanqing agrees. The two of you constantly squeal as the two of you eat the cotton candy. "I need moreeee!" You were addicted.

"We should have some more later! Let's try every other flavor later. We can try to mix them too. Wanna play some ga-"

"Omp!" You leaned down and took a bite of his cotton candy. "Hey!-" You squeal and offer him some of yours. He smiles and sighs, taking a bite of yours. "Oh- This is really really good- Let's go try those games now!"

Without hesitation, you grab his hand; making him blush, as the two of you ran across the fair grounds to find games to play. "Oooo~" You coo, stopping in your tracks as you look at a game. Yanqing suddenly stops from your sudden movement, falling on you.

He falls right on top of you, his face close to yours. He blushes and you laugh it off. You get up and brush the dirt off of you. You ruffle his hair with a big smile.

Yanqing glances away looking at the game you decided to stop at, his eyes glimmering. "This sounds really interesting. How is it so empty?" 

"Let's play! You and me!" You smile even more, picking up a sword. "This is really just a game of darts but with swords it shouldn't be that ba-"


With a single throw, the sword lands right smack in the middle of the dart board. "WAHT THE-" The stand owner was flabbergasted. You gently smack the back of Yanqing's neck. "Why'd you put sooo much effort? It's not fair how my skills are-"

You hit right next to Yanqing's. "Oh, it's easier than I thought." Your mouth widened a bit. "Hmph, and you thought I was actually putting effort into this. your training was well worth it."

You nod and claim your prize. You and Yanqing move onto the next game. "Astral shooter? Interesting." You pick up the light plastic gun. "Hah, ever used one of these before?" The stand owner proudly asks. You shake your head but Yanqing half nods.

"Just hold it like this." The stand owner gently moves your hands to adjust with it. "The aim at a target, it'll move later." You test shoot it and a small laser comes out. "Cool!" You smile. "Yanqing, let's play this!" Your eyes beam and he smiles, picking up a gun. 

You hand the stand owner the fee and you get ready to play. They have you do a little test thing to make sure the guns were working properly. Once the two were ready, the game started.

"You have a minute and 30 seconds to hit as many targets as you can. Work together to hit them all-" 

Pew Pew Pew Pew Pew Pew-

You sprayed the gun at the targets and managed to hit a few. You and Yanqing moved in sync and hit the targets. The stand owner was amazed. The two of you were locked in. Such a simple game with some few riggs and you won the biggest prize already.

Once your gun stopped shooting lasers, the time was up. "That was really easy- but still fun!" Yanqing says. "It really was!"

The stand owner was still shocked and took out the prizes you could claim. The two of you claimed your prize and decided to move on. "I kinda want some cotton candy.." You mutter. "We can get some more if you want." Yanqing smiles.

"Sounds good to me! I want to try the rest of the flavors... But I may not be able to eat ALL of that cotton candy.." The realization hit you. "Can't we just share them instead?" Yanqing suggests. 

You facepalm yourself. "Why did I not think of that?" You laughed. "But first, let's get on the Farris wheel! I'm curious to see what sort of view we can see." Yanqing takes your hand and speed walks towards the Ferris wheel.

The Ferris wheel was really tall and you were a bit scared. You anxiously waited in line, getting more nervous to get on. Once the two of you get to the front of the line, Yanqing pays for the two of you, still holding your hand.

"... Sir, you're one short." Yanqing groans and finds the last bit he needs to fully pay. Usually you'd laugh at the stupid moment, but you were frozen up.

The ride conductor escorts you to the empty carriage and the two of you sit in. Once the door closes, Yanqing laughs. "No need to be scared." He squeezes your hand.

You snap back. "Oh.. I'm just... Not a bit fan of heights..." You could feel your stomach spin. "It's okay," He leaned forward from the other side of the carriage. "We can take a spin no matter how many times it takes for you to get over it." He smiled.

You smile back, the ride starting to move. You take deep breaths as the ride moves, squeezing Yanqing's hands. He then slides over to your side of the carriage sitting next to you.

"I don't know about you, but I'm getting some adrenaline. I wonder if the ride will stop suddenly and we just so happen to be at the top." Yanqing says. "W-Why would you think of that?" You calmed down a bit. Like Yanqing, some adrenaline was getting to you.

The ride went on to the second lap. The two of you completely forgot to look at the scenery. You turn and look out of the clear window and look at both sides, amazed at the wonders.


"You jinxed it, Yanqing." The two of you were almost to the top, just one carriage away. "That's my bad.. Maybe it's a quick mechanic-"

"UHHHH, the ride's broken. We will have people come get you." That was something you did not want to hear. You open the door, about to jump. 

"Uh, I thought you were scared of heights?" Yanqing asked. You paused. "Uhh, not if I can't function with 2 braincells!" You grab his hand and drag him down with you.

Yanqing used one of his practice swords to slow down the fall. "What were you thinking?" He scolded you. "Tehe~" You suddenly got tired and you couldn't think. What you just did was now a fragment of your memory that you were not sure actually happened.


The ride started to work again. "Oh come on! I got off for nothing!" You whined.


Yanqing gets sad after paying for one of every flavor of cotton candy. "My sword savings..." He wiped away a small tear. "You know I could've paid for like over half of that right?" You refund some of his money.

Yanqing hesitates, but takes your pity money. "I wanna try this 'starry sunset' flavor." You pick the cotton candy and take a bite. "Mmmm!!~" the sweet flavor melts in your mouth. "Is it really that good?" Yanqing leans close to you and takes a bite.

"Mmm! Not bad..." 

The two of you were sitting on a bench, the cotton candy in your laps. "We're going to get sick after this." Yanqing nods. "I already feel sick thinking about it..."

"I do too... But I wanna taste these sooooo bad...." You drifted back to how yummy the cotton candy was.

By the time you finished the cotton candy, the two of you were out cold... "Eating about 38 different flavors of cotton candy..." Jing Yuan sighed. He came to pick the two of you up, knowing that something like this would happen.

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