2. F. |Shikanoin Heizou| Superstition

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Request by: @hutaowtfs

Request by: @hutaowtfs

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"I refuse to work with you!" You fold your arms and pout. "Well you're going to have to wither you want to or not. You are my new partner after all." You looked the detective in his eyes. "I would rather work in the coldness of Snezhnaya or with the toxic airs of Fontaine!" You pouted. "Well there's no one else available right now-"the chief detective tried to calm you down. 

"L/n, I know how much you hate the Fatui but I can promise detective Heizou's not bad!" You sneered. You noticed the chief trying his hardest to not look at your chest. "Oh please. This attitude with a person with my status?" You stormed out of the office and out of the building. "I knew I should've stayed on Watasumi island." You mumbled.

Before a few months ago, you were a resident of Watasumi island where you had dreamed of being in the city. Now that the vision hunt decree drama has died down a lot, you took the opportunity to stay in Inazuma city. According to some people you knew, you were great at solving mysteries. You had completed a closed case from a while back in only a few hours.

You slowly walked through the streets. These sighs wouldn't get old in your eyes. "I can't believe I did this on my 'first' day." you mumbled. "Heya~ So what's my wonderful partner doing?~" You flinch. "Heizou! What do you want?!"

"I heard that you had a grudge against the Fatui~ I want to know why! I mean, I have to know you better~" Heizou says in a teasing manner. You roll your eyes.

"There's a case I want to take- Don't worry. It's all about the Fatui~" You look him in the eyes. "Tell me more." He gives you a smug smile. "I'll take you on the case on two conditions...." You sigh. "So? What are the conditions?" He gives you a chuckle. "You have to tell me about your grudge of the Fatui after I pick up the files." You groaned. "Fine! Meet me back here in exactly 6 minutes. No later or I won't tell you shit." 

"Have it your way." Heizou sprints back to the office to retrieve the files. You had 6 minutes alone. Technically, the two of you were supposed to start your investigation at your offices. You stretched for a few minutes. "I should've said 3 minutes-" You look down at the ground.

"I have the files." Heizou says. "Woah, I'm surprised you got here in less than six minutes-" Heizou puts a finger on your lips. "Now you have to tell me alllllll about you and the Fatui~" You sigh as you had forgotten about your deal for a minute.

"My superstition tells me that we're going to get this case done in less than a week!" Heizou tells you. You continued to walk with Heizou. "Are we not going back to the office to launch our investigation?" He asks. "Eh, too much work to go back to the office since we'd be closer to Ritou." You grab the files and begin looking through them.

"An ongoing case that started about 10 years ago...." Your eyes widen. "They couldn't solve this for 10 years? Pshhh, the detectives back then must of been slacking off." You almost laugh. You fiddle with a strand of your hair. "Before we get off topic... We can crash at my place. I have everything prepared for cases like this." Heizou practically brags. "Yeah,yeah."

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