7. G.N. | Xinqiu | 'Library Boy' ☁

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Requested by: aiyaaraara

Enjoy modern Library/bookstore Xinqiu

You worked at a bookstore for a few years

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You worked at a bookstore for a few years. You really enjoyed your job. You had to attend school in the morning and late night but you always made some time for a shift. You got to find new and interesting books to read when you were putting them on the shelves.

There was this one customer who took your interest. He would stop by the store almost everyday to buy another few books. You wouldn't come across him too often due to your schedule but you were hoping to meet him. You called him 'Library boy' because he came so often like the bookstore was a library.

You were working at the counter for the day. You saw the young man walk into the store with a smile. He had short-medium blue hair. He looked around for a moment and walked towards you. "Do you perhaps know where the latest volume of {series name} is?" He asks. His voice was calming and soothing.

You nod. "It should be on the second floor in the {genre} section on the  4th shelf on the 3rd row." You smile. "If you can't find what you're looking for, I'll look in the back to see if we have it." The young man smiles. "Thank you. I'll be sure to come back if I can't find anything." The young man heads to the escalators.

You patiently waited for the young man to come back. You knew that he would take slightly longer because there was a new series in the same isle and he might have taken an interest. You checked your watch and sigh. You're shift was going to end in couple minutes.

Once the young man came back to the counter, he had a small stack of books in his hands. He places them on the table and gives a sigh of relief. "I found so many interesting books- But I didn't find the one I came here for." You smile. "Don't worry. let me check the back."

You quickly head to the storage room and check for the latest volume of the series. You find the volume and return to the counter. You put the volume on top of the stack. "Is that all Mr..." 

"Xinqiu. And that is all I came here for today." You give him a smile before you begin to scan the books.  You put all the novels and volumes into a few bags and hand them to him. "Come back again soon!" you say as he left. He smiles. "I will."


Once your shift was over, you headed straight to the public library so you could study for an upcoming test. You reached for a few books and sat at a table. You flipped open the first book and began to study.

You stayed in the library for a few hours, restless. Once it was 7p.m. you closed the book you were ready and headed to your university. You saw 'library boy' entering the library once you left. You thought that you were way too tired and continued to walk.


After taking a test for one of your late night classes, you take a quick bite before dozing off.

Once you got up, you got ready for your morning classes and prepared for your next shift.... This was basically your everyday schedule. You finished your school work and headed to work. You barely eat and some classmates and coworkers were concerned. You always told them it was nothing and ate a quick snack on break.

As he said, Xingqiu came back and bought more books. "I really enjoyed the first book for the new {genre] series. I wanted to get the next few books." You nod. "You know where to find them. The placement shouldn't be moved yet." It only got there yesterday. As he rode up the escalator, you yawned.

Your sleep schedule got messed up even more everyday. You always did the same things but you still never got bored. Maybe it was the fact that 'library boy' wan in your daily life. Or the fact that he was always happy and kind.

Xingqiu came back to the counter with another stack of books in hand. "You look tired.." he comments. "Yeah I get that all the time- I don't really have time to sleep. I have to study and work so I can manage my place."

"You should give yourself a break." He tells you. You scan the books and put them in a bag. "Your coworkers wouldn't mind and I'm sure of that. You're a hard worker." You nod sleepily. "If you aren't taking my advice, I'll make you take a few days off. I have the money and power to do so!"

You didn't know what he was talking about. "Come with me." He pays and drags you away from the counter. "Where are you taking me?" You ask. "You're going to need some food before you sleep." You sigh.

Xinqiu brings you to a café. He makes you order something off the menu. You ordered a parfait hoping that the sweet taste would keep you awake for a little longer. Once you finish, Xinqiu take you somewhere else. "You go to {university name} right?" he asks. You nod.

"Well, as your upperclassmen, I want you to rest. I'll bring you into my apartment. I need to watch you properly." You nod, still tired. "You have a few hours till your next class." He takes you into a fancy apartment building. He drags you up a few flights of stairs and unlocks the door to his apartment. He sets you on the couch, where you almost immediately knock out.

Xinqiu sighs. "I guess you'll have to do this once every 2 weeks at least. You're putting too much weight on yourself."

Sorry I couldn't put much

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Sorry I couldn't put much. I honestly didn't know what to do here but I hope you enjoyed this!

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