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In moments of emotional turmoil, I find solace on the floor,

Laying there, limbs splayed, as if seeking solace from the earth.

The cool, unyielding surface beneath me anchors my being,

As I grapple with a tempest of thoughts and feelings.

I wonder, in those vulnerable moments, if I am alone in this,

This peculiar ritual of grounding, of seeking refuge on the ground.

Do others too find solace in the stillness of the floor,

As a means to steady the turbulent seas within their souls?

The world outside may rush and clamor, a cacophony of chaos,

But here, on the floor, I reclaim a semblance of control.

My breath slows, my heart steadies, and I'm left to ponder,

If there are others who seek this same kind of reprieve.

In the quiet of these moments, I am not burdened by judgment,

For the floor is a non-judgmental confidant, a patient listener.

It doesn't question or scrutinize, it simply offers its support,

As I navigate the tides of my own emotions and thoughts.

As I lay on the floor, I find my gaze drawn to the ceiling,

Its expanse a canvas for my wandering thoughts.

I contemplate the intricacies of existence, the fragility of life,

And the interconnectedness of all living beings.

I wonder if, in this act of laying on the floor, I am seeking

A connection to something greater than myself,

A recognition of my place in the vast tapestry of existence,

A reminder that I am not alone in my struggles and triumphs.

In this act of vulnerability, I find strength,

As the floor cradles me in its unwavering support.

I am not the only one who seeks refuge in this way,

For there is a universality in the human experience of seeking solace.

So, I continue to lay on the floor, a practice of self-compassion,

A reminder that it's okay to pause, to breathe, to feel.

And as I ponder the shared human experience of seeking refuge,

I find comfort in the knowledge that I am not alone in this journey.


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